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I had an active eating disorder in high school and college and my dr just prescribed an antidepressant that can cause a severe form of anorexia called cachexia. My dr knows my history but I think he thinks it’s benefits outweigh the risks. The risks worry me.

But I’ve been so depresssed and am fighting the bad self talk. I’m so stressed I have crazy hives all over. I have no place to live because my rent went up hundreds of dollars and am looking for a place. But I have to pack. And we gutted my daughters room on Friday-she’s in college and said to get rid of it all. My sisters helped and were judgemental and made me crazy but they helped. My dad showed up and yelled at me about an almost flat tire. I almost cursed which would’ve been a even bigger mess. My personal bedroom is about as bad as my daughters as far as messes go. I have chronic pain and it’s hard for me do things. My family just thinks I’m lazy. Which isn’t the case. I’m down to my last straw.

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is Charlotte1990. I'm here because I have struggled with mental health my whole life, I’m in recovery from Anorexia Nevosa and I’m a new mum to a baby girl.

#MightyTogether #PTSD #EatingDisorder #Anxiety

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Ehower79. I'm here because my family all have their own mental health struggles. My youngest is entering year 3 of anorexia Nervosa with anxiety and depression, and my oldest was diagnosed as a teen with ASD, depression and anxiety.


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