Chronic Fatigue

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Little things

Little things that make your life a little bit easier . Weather it’s discovering a new method to do something. I’m a strong fan of work smarter not harder and implementing that on a regular. Physically , work, life the list could go on.

I’m not promoting nor have I been asked to post this. I cropped the best I could . The arthritis cap though , come on pharmaceuticals jump on this trend the majority of your clients are in need of some sort of medication . I know I take 16+ a day and sometime contemplate putting off filling my weekly medication holders. Just because my hands are hurting and not working with me to handle different size pills and or open 16 !!! Caps !!! That are not necessarily arthritis friendly. Just saying this would save so much time and energy .

What are some “the little things” that work for you or discovered read about heard from a friend of a friend expierenced etc

#MentalHealth #RheumatoidArthritis #AutonomicDysfunction #RaynaudsPhenomenon #Depression #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD #ChronicFatigue

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Better days ahead. #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicFatigue

Last Friday I got the news that there is no more pnynomia in my lungs. 👏👏😊 How ever there is some flamations in them still. My job for the next few weeks is to continue to use both Seretide and Ventolin. 🫁🙏❤️
My maine concern is that I Still Get A Slight Fever Most Days; about 36,8-37,3°C. Oh well I guess I have to use the good old patience 🤔 though that is running little thin these days. 🤨🤨🤔😊😊

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A Million Different Meanings

I grieved the loss of many health issues and constraints, my two kids’ neurodivergence, and mom’s Alzheimer’s. However, I found my happy again by reframing my thoughts and celebrating who and what is. I dream differently now. Don’t put undue guilt, shame or expectations on your body. It’s a journey that only the strong and courageous could make it through!
#MentalHealth #ChronicFatigue #AutoimmuneThyroidDisease #AlzheimersDisease #Autism #Anxiety #Arthritis #ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease #Schizophrenia

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What Sparks a Light in You?

I feel immensely peaceful, meditative when tapping into my creative energies.
Zentangle sketching or free-hand drawing. However, creative inspiration isn’t something you can just summon on the spot!
Looking for inspiration. Anybody have a new or finished project they want to share? I’d love to see it.
#ChronicFatigue #Depression #MentalHealth

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I still forget that I can no longer do all that I once could. I forget helpful tips and tricks to make my new norm manageable. With chemo brain and fibro fog, I even forget who I can ask for help sometimes. Being patient and compassionate with myself is the best I can do. #ChronicFatigue #Fibromyalgia #MentalHealth #BreastCancer

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About 5 months ago I got the flu and biggest issue was fatigue. I sleep 18-20 hours a day. I've seen 3 specialist and no can seem to figure out what is going on! Finally my psychiatrist said screw it, and prescribed me a stimulant just to get some relief. I've stopped cooking, I get my groceries delivered, my appointments are all virtual, I see no one. It's just me and my kitty. Now this medicine is barely working!!! I'm getting extremely depressed.... Just wondering if anyone else has delt with such severe fatigue and what did you do about it?

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#ChronicFatigue #modifinil

About 4-5 months ago out of nowhere I started to become extremely tired. Like sleeping 18 hours a day. Been to 3 specialist and no one can figure out what is going on. So my psychiatrist put me on a stimulant that maybe gives me 4-5 hours of awake. Which I'll take what I can get so I can run errands, clean, and shower. I read that you don't build a tolerance, but I already am and I've only been on it 3 weeks. It's called #modifinil . Just wondering if anyone had any tips on how to deal with such severe fatigue? I CANNOT stay awake! I don't cook anymore (it's just me and my kitty),I get my groceries delivered, I do all my appointments virtually. I was so excited about this new medication, but now that's barely working. Sorry for my rant.... I also suffer with #PTSD #MentalHealth
Brandi Marinelli@

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Tock Tick Tock

First and for most I had this whole spewl written out then my phone messed up and here we are trying this again. Here goes nothing.

This quote in the image rings the constant nag of the time watching it as it seems to drag by. My body as a pretty good internal clock down to a minute or two from the actual time. I always know the time but still look. The constant cycle spinning through my head as my brain never shuts off. Constantly thinking through a brain fog now, before it was just pure chaos. Not sure either is good. Making list mentally verbally sticking them thinking them when ever it can. Subconsciously consciously writing brain never shutting off. Of course it’s never what I actually need as far as information goes. Squirrel brain to say the least, completely sound though and am greatful for that even with the brain fog. I do wonder though is it worth it with all these side effects. Sitting questioning wondering am I doing it right . Is that what the doctor said . The thing a what ? Is that good or bad? Crud why can’t I remember. Some days are better than others. I’m present and in the moment, most the time.

I just want it to shut off sometimes. Not going to lie because I’m just trying to be raw and let what I’m thinking flow. I don’t like too, nor do I condone it but I have taken a little extra sleepy medicine to turn the switch off. No dreams . No terrors. No real movement. Pretty much zonked. It scares me though that I hit that point.

I question the amount my body goes on autopilot just out of pure routine and functionality . Medicine time. Time to pee. Did you take enough steps. Is that right or is that wrong. Oh wait we are only guessing because no one knows what’s up or down.

Then I stop. I breathe. I remember I am present. I am here. I am doing my best. May not be to the standards of ocd trauma brain of mine . I showed up. I did what I can at that moment. Be present. It is enough. #MentalHealth #AutonomicDysfunction #RaynaudsPhenomenon #RheumatoidArthritis #ChronicFatigue #Depression #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD

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Extra Body to Spare ?! Anyone

Biggest struggle is wanting needing to do something and your trapped. Your supposed biggest asset (your body) is the one that is your biggest kriptonite. Fighting you.

How do you handle fighting yourself ?! Mentally. Physically. Spiritually Even.

People telling you “Google recommendation” just do this. Slow down. Good thing it will be over soon.

It won’t be though. This is something that was dropped out of thin air. No notice. Just one day a switch flipped and body was like “umm nope I’m broken now” .

Not every attempt will be successful to listen to your body needs. Some days will be easier than others. Same as it’s always easier said than done.

Probably a coping reaction. You doing okay ? How you feeling ? Need anything? My response “got any extra body parts lol” but hey I need to add humor and lightheartedness sometimes, even if it’s only for my sake.

#RaynaudsPhenomenon #MixedConnectiveTissueDiseaseMCTD #AutonomicDysfunction #RheumatoidArthritis #ChronicFatigue #Depression

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