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What are your favorite conversation topics?

Honestly, sometimes you just need to take a break from talking about health. Not only is it valid and very necessary to take a break from your symptoms and emotions from time to time, but it can be especially important to define your identity outside of those labels. (But we know how tough that is when your lived experiences are all-consuming! It’s all about balance, friends.)

So we’re curious what else you like to discuss. The weather? Your hobbies? Pop culture? Food? Nostalgic trips down memory lane? Travel? Your pets? Your kids?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #RareDisease #Disability #DistractMe #Caregiving #Autism #ADHD

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Tell us about the last time you advocated for yourself.

Mighty staffer @xokat had some blood work done yesterday, and, like always, she was very vocal about her history of passing out. In the past, she has occasionally been met with a little bit of grumbling for being a “high-maintenance patient,” but yesterday was such a pleasant surprise. The phlebotomist took her to the kids’ room (there were so many cool stickers on the wall!) so she could lay on a couch-like table and already had juice on standby. The best part? The health care professional actually thanked her for advocating because it meant there would be no surprises!

So that got her thinking about self-advocacy and how important it is, but also how scary it can be — especially if you’re met with resistance. Whether it’s something for your mental health, a specific boundary you have in place, or a sticky situation in the workplace, we’d love to hear about your latest self-advocacy adventures.

⛰️ P.S. Here’s a really stellar piece from a Mighty contributor about the mountain that is speaking up for yourself: Why Is Disability Self-Advocacy So Hard?

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Disability #CheerMeOn #RareDisease #Caregiving #Autism #ADHD

Why Is Disability Self-Advocacy So Hard?

"Hard? Yes. Worth it? Always."
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What will you prioritize on your to-do list today?

Mighties, let’s share what we’re prioritizing today from our to-do list. Whether it's running a time-sensitive errand, wrapping up a specific project at work, taking some time for much-needed self-care, returning a phone call, grocery shopping, or even updating your personal or family calendar, we are cheering you on to get 👏 it 👏 done!

Mighty staffer @xokat is going to try and finish cleaning out her fridge and churn out some work-related writing since she wasn’t feeling very well yesterday and admittedly got behind. (It happens!)

P.S. If "all" you do today is surviveand make it through, that absolutely counts and we're really proud of you. 🫶

#52SmallThings #CheerMeOn #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Caregiving #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Cancer #Autism #ADHD #RareDisease #Disability

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Painsomnia! I’m exhausted! #migrain and #sijd with #sciatica has kept me awake for almost four days. The pain is non stop and unbearable. The non sleep makes the pain worse. Looking for a cure and pain buddy! Please share your thoughts and suggestions!
I’m hopeful for a solution! The pain is so severe I can’t think clearly! Sending hugs and love! 🤗💗 #ChronicPain #Insomnia #sciatica #Caregiving

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I could really use a break from…

It’s not just a Kit Kat candy bar theme song, folks — we all need a break sometimes! What have you had just about enough of lately?

Maybe it’s a pesky symptom like fatigue or nausea; perhaps you’re exhausted from financial stress or important decision-making. Or maybe you just really need a break from people-ing in the form of a solo vacation, time off work, or a pause on family functions.

Speak it into the universe (aka the comments) and maybe, just maybe, it’ll come true!

#MightyMinute #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #Caregiving #Autism #ADHD

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What routines are important for you to include as you plan out your day?

From waking up or going to bed at a certain time, taking a shower, writing a to-do list, or taking intentional time out for self-care and relaxation, including a few routines can be helpful in creating structure and consistency to our day-to-day schedules.

What routines do you find important to include when you plan out your day? Why are those routines important?

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #RareDisease #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Caregiving #Autism #ADHD #Cancer

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What’s your most low-maintenance health condition?

We talk a lot on The Mighty about the symptoms, experiences, emotions, and diagnoses that impact our day-to-day — some of us are more weighed down by physical illnesses, while others manage an all-consuming mental illness or caregiving role. But one perspective we don’t talk about as much are the conditions that we just kind of… forget about? (We know, we know, sounds fake. 😅)

Whether it’s because you’re in remission or very rarely experience flares or episodes, have another condition that causes more trouble, or live with a diagnosis that you were born with and don’t really put that much concerted, conscious effort into managing it — it’s time to choose your “golden child.”

For Mighty staffer @xokat, it’s definitely her rare headache disease, SUNCT syndrome. Thankfully she hasn’t been in a pain cycle in over a year and a half (it’s very common for the disease to enter long periods of remission), and she only takes one preventive medication to keep the attacks at bay. Other than that? Absolutely out of sight, out of mind. It’s very rarely something she thinks about, plans around, or talks about. What a treat!

What’s that low-maintenance condition for you?

#MightyMinute #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #Caregiving #Cancer #Autism #ADHD

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What are your biggest challenges when it comes to planning ahead?

To plan or not to plan... that is the question — and also happens to be the topic we will be exploring this week!

We all know that living with a health condition (or several) can pose some unavoidable challenges, ones that can blow up and disrupt premeditated plans or schedules. It’s one of the hardest, trickiest variables to plan around, and this community knows that better than most.

What is it like for you to plan ahead? What challenges often arise?

#52SmallThings #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #CheckInWithMe #Caregiving

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