It might look like we’re running late again; but the reality is he had a 30-minute meltdown on the stairs because he couldn’t handle transitioning to a different floor of our house.
I might look like a helicopter mom, controlling what he eats, scheduling out his day; but the reality is a lot of damage can be done with just one piece of red candy.
We might look like we have awesome toys; but the reality is they all have a therapeutic purpose.
I might look like a common housewife; but the reality is I know the definitions of “proprioceptive,” “vestibular,” “executive function” and so many more that they’re as common to me as “playdate” and “laundry.”
It might look like a “typical” childhood behavior to you; but the reality is that it affects his ability to function.
I might look like a bad mom for forgetting to bring his snack again; but the reality is I remember to bring his chewie, and that’s essential.
It might look like we’re just enjoying the playground or the pool; but the reality is I’m challenging him to get extra sensory input every chance I can.
It might look like a tantrum; but the reality is it’s a meltdown, and he desperately needs help to regain control.
I might look like I’m enjoying our large social gathering; but the reality is I’m trying to imagine what all the noise and chaos feels like to my son, wondering what might overwhelm him and how I can prevent it.
It might look like I’m exhausted, frazzled and on the edge of losing my cool, but the reality is I’m a mom of a child with sensory processing disorder.
The reality is my son is incredibly smart and ridiculously stubborn.
The reality is my son thinks in such a unique and creative way.
The reality is my son is one of my best friends.
The reality is my son is a blessing to our entire family.
Follow this journey on My Mundane & Miraculous Life.
The Mighty is asking the following: What is a part of your or a loved one’s disease, disability or mental illness that no one is aware of? Check out our Submit a Story page for more about our submission guidelines.