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Fulfilling Your Purpose While Chronically Ill

There is always discussion surrounding purpose and fulfilling your life’s calling, even while chronically ill. Believe me it is possible. You may say, “I don’t know what my purpose in life is or I used to know but now that I am ill, I have lost my purpose.”

Let me encourage everyone with a few insights I have learned over the years. Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • What makes you angry and think, “I see an injustice here and it needs to be changed?”
  • What brings you joy?
  • What do you wake up thinking about and go to sleep thinking about?

But how? How, you ask? I’m chronically ill. I am disabled and cannot work. I can hardly stand or sit and do anything for any great length of time due to pain, nausea, exhaustion even anxiety or depression.

Take those key questions above and formulate a plan. You have to know what you’re going after before attacking it. Then, map it out.

Oh the things we can do from our own couch! The marvelous works we can accomplish from the comfort of our own bed with peers, friends, colleagues and those who are dream builders.

Share the load and vision with a small circle. Divvy up the vision and mission and together you can accomplish greatness. Maybe it’s an hour every few days. Perhaps it’s two hours a week. That is a fantastic start.

Every single one of us were born with a unique set of talents that are our own. There is a quote that says, “If I were you and you were me then one of us would be irrelevant!”

It is quite true. I understand that when chronic illness strikes our life we go through a much needed grieving process. It is vital for us to come to terms with the fact that we are not, in fact, living in the same body we once had. That does not mean, however, that our gifts and what we can offer back to the world has slipped away. We can make a difference in the lives of those around us. One person at a time can cause a ripple effect of transformation for the betterment within our chronically ill community and beyond.

Far too often I see the pain and suffering of those who have lost their passion because of chronic illness. They are bombarded by reports, medications, family and friends who do not understand our plight and fall into a place where they feel as if they have nothing to offer. That simply isn’t the case. We are still the same teachers, writers, coaches, philanthropists, advocates, and nurses that we were before we became ill. We merely have a different vehicle in which to fulfill our life’s purpose.

Tap back into you! Find the strength that still resides within your heart and soul and remember that vision you have. We can all do magnificent things even while chronically ill. With the guidance of your support system, talk therapy and those who believe and support you I know that we can accomplish much.

Once you feel the joy of fulfilling your life’s purpose, vision and mission it will continue to ignite a passion. You may not even recognize the chronic symptoms during the time you are focusing on your dream for shear adrenaline and endorphins are at play. Take breaks, focus on you and listen to your body. You know I am all about self care and balance. You always come first. One cannot pour from an empty cup.

You have now become the change you wish to see in this world. What a beautiful thing. You, in essence, have then become your own advocate, philanthropist, trailblazer and pioneer for your cause.

Is it always easy? No. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

Fight on Warriors! I believe in you.

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Thinkstock Image By: Grandfailure

Originally published: February 27, 2017
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