I have been told the following quotes recently after people finding out I’m on disability:
1. “You’re so lazy, you don’t do anything all day.”
2. “You’re so lucky to not have to work.”
3. “Man, I wish I had your problem.”
I hear these on a regular basis. I suffer from debilitating chronic pain as well as a handful of mental health issues, and I can honestly say I am not lucky or lazy. In fact these words are quite hurtful. So to those who said these comments, please take this into consideration:
1. I can’t work because I am always in pain. If it felt like someone was stabbing you in the abdomen every two seconds, would you?
2. I am not lazy. I physically cannot move. Yep, that means I can hardly even walk two steps without crying some days.
3. My day revolves around medication, doctor visits, and even finding the strength to get out of bed. Please tell me how you would want this. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
4. I miss working and socializing. This is not fun. I miss being a “productive” member of society and doing what I love.
5. It takes a lot of fight to even get on disability. It takes endless documents and months to process. I am on it because I need it.
I am not lazy or lucky. However, being on disability is something that I am not ashamed of. Although, with comments like these, some days I feel like it’s something I should be. Please take time to consider why someone is on disability, or even better, look into it. It actually takes a lot of courage and strength.
For those of you who are on it – never be embarrassed! You are not lucky or lazy, you are doing the best you can. We should be applauded for going through what we are. Disability and all.
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Thinkstock Image By: dinachi