I shouldn’t know what it feels like to watch my friends die.
I shouldn’t have to choose whether I want to have children or not.
I shouldn’t have to choose what drugs I want to take based on which side-effects I will have to live with.
I shouldn’t have to feel guilty for taking a sick day.
I shouldn’t have to think “I feel ugly without hair.”
I shouldn’t have to feel like a shitty person for living while my friends are dying.
I shouldn’t have to feel like a shitty person because I am out of treatment now and my friends are not.
I shouldn’t know how to pronounce “cyclophosphamide,” “irinotecan,” “oxaliplatin” or all the other drugs I’ve taken.
I shouldn’t have to be strong for my family and friends.
I shouldn’t have to know more about cancer than my oncologist or be asking my doctor about different treatments.
I shouldn’t have to know what it’s like to be missing random body parts.
I shouldn’t have to feel guilty for getting to do fun things.
I shouldn’t feel guilty for using the excuse, “I can’t because I have cancer.”
I shouldn’t feel guilty for having special privileges because I have cancer.
I shouldn’t feel bad for not wanting to explain everything to everyone.
I shouldn’t feel guilty for having that luxury.
I shouldn’t feel guilty for being sick all the time.
I shouldn’t feel bad for seeing a therapist.
I shouldn’t have to feel like I’m drowning just to survive.
I shouldn’t have to fight with my insurance company to get my medication and treatments covered.
I shouldn’t have to go bankrupt because of my cancer.
I shouldn’t have to choose medications and treatments based on the price tag.
I shouldn’t have to feel like a failure because I haven’t graduated college or figured out my life yet.
I shouldn’t feel jealous watching all my friends have fun without me.
I shouldn’t be mad watching their lives go on while mine is at a standstill.
I shouldn’t feel so out of touch with society.
I shouldn’t feel jealous of the children who have cancer and get the cool cancer perks.
I shouldn’t have to feel like I need to work twice as hard to prove myself because I have cancer.
I shouldn’t have to feel alone.
I shouldn’t have to feel like nobody understands.
I shouldn’t have to feel
I shouldn’t feel any of these things
But I do.
This post was previously published on Medium.
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Thinkstock photo by nizha2