As summer continues, the heat can make it difficult to hydrate. Dysautonomia Support Network asked our members what tips and tricks they have to make sure they stay hydrated in the summer sun! We love that our community is willing to share helpful hints to support each other.
*Many of these are given under the supervision of a doctor, so please consult with your physician before making any changes to your diet or water intake.
1. “My doctor told me to drink my first eight ounces of water before I even sit up in bed in the morning. It really helps!” – Kathleen T.
2. “I have a reusable water bottle that I keep filled all day. I mix an electrolyte supplement with water and a splash of cranberry juice and keep it cool with ice or frozen lemon wedges. I just keep adding to it whenever it’s low. I also keep drinks in my car just in case and a couple extra bottles near my bed.” – Tenille M.
3. “Invest in a good water bottle that you can have with you at all times. I love the liter size glass bottles so you can keep track of how much you’re drinking. I don’t just drink plain water; added salt, liquid minerals and magnesium help the cells hold onto the water. Also, I juice cucumbers. They are really hydrating, help to regulate blood pressure and contain electrolytes.” – Corinne S.
4. “Always be prepared! I have pitchers of water and a glass where I hang out at home so I’m always able to pour a glass. I also carry two reusable water bottles with me in a small cooler everywhere I go. And don’t forget electrolytes such as rehydration salts (and ask your doctor first about what’s right for you)!” – Alia G.
5. “I know this may sound silly, but with my brain fog, I’ll easily forget to drink my fluids. I have an app on my phone that reminds me to drink as well as forces me to track how much I’ve had and how much more I need based on my goals.” – Tianna F.
6. “My little zebra absolutely does not like drinking…period. I bought the Ulla light that can be used on most glasses or bottles. The light flashes to tell you it’s time to drink. It helps me remind her to take a drink.” – Mary M.
7. “My friends and I play a hydrating drinking game when we hang out based on what movie or show we are watching. Every time there is a commercial, we make sure to take a few steps around the house and drink from our water bottles!” – Alexandra R.
8. “I buy one-and-a-half-liter water bottles every week and make sure I drink a full bottle once a day. I drink coconut water when it is needed, as that really helps, and take electrolyte tablets if I’m having a really bad day.” – Brianna K.
9. “Homemade spa water!! Infused with fruit, herbs, cucumbers… the combinations are endless! My favorite is blackberry, watermelon, lime, and mint!” – Lauren H.
10. “A splash of juice makes a lot of electrolyte supplements taste better. A couple ounces of pineapple juice can balance the salty taste of some tablets.” – Amanda A.
11. “I add “Real Lemon” packets to my water. They are all natural, high in vitamin C and are sweetened with Stevia.” – Sheila S.
12. “Take a water bottle everywhere!” – Maria H.
13. “Coconut water, a lot of salt and salty snacks, mineral water with magnesium and potassium and I get IV saline weekly.” – Adela
14. “Watermelon juice!” – Meredith L.
15. “First thing out of bed I try to drink as close to a liter of water as I can handle. I make sure I keep salty snacks and water on hand throughout the day so I keep up that feeling of thirst. Clear pee is the way to be!” – Kerry
16. “I have to have it cold if I want to drink a lot. Ice cubes on deck. Lemon juice if I need variety.” – Michelle R.
17. “I have an app that reminds me to drink with a fun little cartoon plant. If I don’t drink, the plant isn’t watered, and I feel guilty!” – Alexandra R.
*Entries have been edited for clarity and brevity by Dysautonomia Support Network.
Thinkstock photo via kieferpix.