I have several chronic illnesses, and I’m struggling right now with coming to terms with my hair loss.
I’m an Apostolic Pentecostal, and by my religious beliefs I don’t cut my hair. Not only do I not cut my hair because of religious beliefs, I also really love long hair. It is a part of who I am, and it is pretty long.
Sadly though, because of my illnesses, my hair is breaking and falling out. It is slowly becoming shoulder length, and just thinking about the state of my hair makes me want to cry. I know it may seem silly to some for me to be so attached to my hair, but for as long as I can remember I’ve had long hair.
Every day I lose more and more hair, and my hair gets weaker and weaker. I have tried a lot of solutions to try and make my hair stronger, shampoos, conditioners, oils, etc… Though nothing seems to work, so I have to come to terms with my hair.
I have to remember that losing my hair doesn’t make me less than a woman. It isn’t who I am. The state of my hair doesn’t make me unable to achieve amazing things. I want my hair loss to stop, but right now I can’t control that. So I want all of those struggling with hair loss to feel more confident with themselves. You are not controlled by your hair, so don’t let this struggle hold you back.
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Thinkstock photo via AndreyPopov.