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14 Products People With Brain Fog Swear By

Editor's Note

We hope the products below, all recommended by our Mighty community members, help you or a loved one in your health journeys. Just so you know, The Mighty may collect a share of sales from the Amazon links on this page. Prices and product availability are accurate as of November 28, 2019.

Brain fog tags along with so many health conditions our chronic illness community deals with every day. Anyone who’s experienced it can relate to that overall feeling of extreme tiredness and haziness in your head, combined with memory issues that can make it hard to remember what you need to do today and concentrate on the task at hand.

When brain fog is making everyday life tough to manage, you might find that putting certain strategies in place helps offset its effects. And there are many products out there designed to keep you organized, remember where you need to be, and help you stay alert. We asked our Mighty community what products they swear by that help them deal with their brain fog. Check out their recommendations below.


1. Dry Erase Board

dry erase calendar board

Besides just being fun to write on, dry erase boards can be an easy, highly visible place to write down appointments and notes for the whole family. A board with a built-in calendar like the one above adds an additional layer of organization.

“[I use] a dry erase board in my house that I continually update with new things to do and erase them as they are complete,” Mahala Howard said. “I also put everything in my phone at the exact moment I make appointments which helps a lot.”

Buy a dry erase wall calendar decal from Amazon. 

2. Tile App

tile on key ring

If you’re constantly losing things, check out Tile. You can hang the small, square “tile” from your keys, backpack, or anything else you tend to lose. Then, you can open the Tile app on your phone to see its location on a map and set off an alarm that emits from the Tile itself. You can also press the Tile to make your phone ring if you can’t find your phone.

“I love the Tile for my keys, which I always lose track of. I can ding my keys from my phone. Technology is helping me a ton right now,” said Mary Oster Boumeester.

Buy a Tile from Amazon.

3. Post-its

post-it dispenser shaped like cat

Post-its aren’t the most glamorous or high-tech solution, but there’s a reason they’ve been around so long — they work. Buy a cute dispenser to help make it more fun.

I keep yellow Post-it notes in my bathroom, in a box, with a green flair pen. I post notes on the mirror, so that I’ll see them in the morning. Then, I either complete the task, or I transfer it to my phone calendar and my Outlook calendar,” Peppy Mozzani explained. “Finally, I write a note on another Post-it and stick it to the back of my apartment door. Whatever works.”

Buy the Post-it Cat Figure Pop-Up Note Dispenser featured above from Amazon.

4. Notebook

Journal to make notes, helps with brain fog. Yellow leather cover says "Good Vibes."

Yes, it’s a little old-school. But notebooks are often the easiest, fastest way to jot down reminders and look back at notes from previous weeks. Find a beautiful design you’re excited to carry around with you.

“Writing everything down. So basically paper and a pen or a notebook and a pen,” Cassidy Schod recommended. “Helpful for appointments so I can write down what I want to remember to talk about and also write down things my doctors have said so I can follow through and research more about it.”

Buy the journal featured above from Amazon.

5. Reusable Water Bottle

Blue water bottle. Hydration can help with brain fog due to chronic illness.

Many in the community told us keeping a beverage beside them to sip periodically can help give them a jolt when they feel their alertness sliding. An insulated reusable bottle keeps warm drinks warm and cold drinks cold, depending on which you prefer.

“Sometimes a warm drink sitting at a desk helps me feel productive (does not have to be caffeinated, that might kick anxiety up, so mellow tea or warm milk or warm cider could do the trick),” said Daria Wozmak.

Buy the water bottle featured above from Amazon.

6. Click ‘N Dig Item Finder

click n dig receivers and fob tracker

An alternative to the Tile system, Click ‘N Dig utilizes small receivers that can be attached to your frequently-lost items. Then, press the color-coded buttons on a tracker similar to a key fob to make the receiver beep and flash.

“This has provided me great relief and avoid tears. (The ‘Tile’ product wasn’t user-friendly for me. Too complicated.) When I lose things it is highly traumatic. There is the shame, frustration, and above all the relentless obsession to never rest until I find the important item,” Laura Norcutt-Watkins said. “The trackers also can be stuck on flat objects. I have them on my keys, work badge, iPad, cell phone, purse.”

Buy the Click ‘N Dig from Amazon.

7. GPS and Car Phone Holder

car phone holder

If your brain fog causes you to forget how to get from one place to another, the GPS tool on your phone is invaluable. A phone holder that connects to your dashboard makes it easier (and safer) to use your GPS while you’re driving.

“One thing… I use constantly is GPS. If I’m going anywhere alone, there is a chance I will forget where I’m going or how to get there even if I go there almost every day,” Jocelyn Cook said.

Buy the Mpow Car Phone Holder featured above on Amazon.

8. Weekly Pill Organizer

Pill organizer for people with chronic illness and brain fog.

The last thing you want to do is forget to take your medication or take it multiple times, forgetting you already took it. A pill container that divides your pills into daily slots can help you stay organized.

“[I use] a weekly meds container so I know what I have and have not taken,” Mikayla Hollis said. “Sometimes I forget to take certain meds or I might accidentally take double thinking I forgot and that really messes with me!”

Buy the pill box featured above from Amazon.

9. Origins Peace of Mind

origins peace of mind

A few dabs of this peppermint-infused formula gives off a tingling sensation meant to lessen tension and pressure and increase alertness.

“Not only does the minty smell help my alertness but you can also rub it on painful places and it helps!” recommended Tory Rossow.

Buy Origins Peace of Mind for $14 from Origins.

10. Echo Dot

Echo dot smart speaker for people with autism.

Amazon’s Echo Dot is entirely voice-activated, so if you don’t like writing notes or typing reminders on your phone, you might enjoy asking “Alexa” to help you.

“Between different alarm sounds, to-do lists, timers and grocery lists, Alexa keeps me on track,” said Amanda L. Vandervort.

Buy the Echo Dot from Amazon.

11. Yearly Planner


Planners offer an extra layer of organization than a regular notebook, making it a good option for those who want the calendar functions of an app, but written out. The Ink + Volt planner above includes space for weekly goals, reflection, celebrating accomplishments you’ve made and journaling prompts for more self-reflection.

“I write things like the weather, what I wore, how I felt and appointments in my planner,” said Brandi Vandygriff.

Buy the planner featured above from Ink + Volt.

12. Audiobooks

iphone with audiobook on the screen

When brain fog makes it hard to concentrate, audiobooks can be a huge help. You can find anything from bestsellers to indie picks or even textbooks, and you don’t need an e-reader if you’re able to download them to your phone or laptop.

“[I get] textbooks in audiobook form instead of regular book form because hearing it while experiencing severe brain fog helps me get through college while suffering with very severe postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome,” said Dina Hollar.

Download audiobooks from Audible.

13. Evernote

evernote app

Evernote is a note-taking app that helps you stay organized in your personal and/or professional life. You can add notes in a variety of forms, including text, sketches, photos, audio, video, PDF and web clippings, and have everything saved in one place. For more phone apps that can help you stay organized with brain fog, check out our community’s recommendations.

Evernote — I write notes for every doctor’s appointment. I can access it on my phone or computer. The rest of the time I use calendar alerts and reminders,” said Melissa Mullis Shriner.

Download Evernote Basic for free from Apple or Google Play.

14. DoTERRA Essential Oils

doterra peppermint oil

Dabbing a few drops of peppermint oil on your skin or using it in a diffuser is recommended as a pick-me-up during foggy moments.

“I used DoTERRA peppermint oil for my migraine today. First time doing it. And it actually helped a lot. I got the migraine aura and the brain fog was real,” said Brittany Blackwood. “I put the oil behind my ears and on the back of my neck and it helped tremendously! Would highly recommend.”

“I have fibromyalgia so peppermint mixed with coconut oil (to dilute) is good for the fog, just put in your hands, cup your hands, close my eyes, and inhale,” Sarah Robertson recommended.

Buy the peppermint oil featured above from Amazon.

Originally published: October 12, 2017
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