When someone is going through cancer treatment, they don’t always have the time or energy to do things like clean the house or cook dinner. That’s where you can help out. Instead of buying the person a random gift they may or may not like, you can give them a valuable coupon to “redeem” when they need it the most.
Here are some coupons that feature thoughtful and loving gestures that can make the life of your loved one a bit easier as they continue treatment and recover. Feel free to print and fill them out or copy and paste them into an email instead.
1. A Ride To and From Treatment
2. A Week’s Worth of Homemade Meals for the Freezer
3. Doing All Your Household Chores for a Day
4. A Trip to the Grocery Store Plus Unpacking at Home
5. Paying Your Electricity Bill This Month
6. A Donation to Your Favorite Cancer Organization
7. Dinner at Your Favorite Restaurant
8. Babysitting Your Kids
9. One Day of Laundry Service: Washing, Folding and Putting Away
10. Paying for a Medical Bill
11. One Positive Text Message a Day For One Week
12. A Movie Night Featuring the Movie of Your Choice
13. Paying Your Phone Bill This Month
14. A Weekend Stay at Your Favorite Getaway
15. Taking Your Kids to the Park or Playground for a Few Hours
16. A Month’s Worth of Professional Cleaning Services
17. A Professional Massage to Relieve Pain From Chemo and Surgery
18. 20 Handwritten Notes Full of Humor and Encouragement
What other thoughtful coupons would you add?
Originally published: December 4, 2017