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29 Memes That Might Make You Laugh If You've Waited for Test Results

Waiting for test results related to your cancer, chronic illness or other condition can be nerve-wracking (to say the least). It’s bad enough that it took forever to schedule an appointment that started an hour late, but now all you can do is go home and stare at your phone, waiting for it to ring. Or maybe you call for your results, and you’re transferred three times and then put on hold for a half hour. Basically, waiting is not fun.

“All” you want to know is what that irregular-shaped mole on your face really is, or why you have bouts of shortness of breath, or, worse, if your cancer is back.

None of the above scenarios are funny, but sometimes our community finds the humor in it all. If this includes you, then you may enjoy some of the memes about waiting for test results we’ve gathered below.

Waiting at Home

Remember when you went in for a biopsy, CT scan or blood work a few days ago, and your doctor said she’d call back with the test results, but she didn’t? Here’s how it can feel to be at home, waiting for the phone call.

1. When you’re sitting alone in your room:

Kevin Hart waiting meme

photo via memegenerator

2. When you make things worse by watching an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy:”


3. When you try to distract yourself with some fresh air:

unbearable wait meme

photo via quickmeme

4. When you try to get some chores done but you can’t even focus on them:

cat wait in bucket meme

photo via jokideo

5. When you start thinking of every worst-case scenario possible:

6. When you’re having a staring contest with your pet (who has no idea why you keep staring at him):

waiting game meme

photo via ananseproductions

7. When you’ve been lying in bed, wide awake, for hours:

bored and impatient meme

photo via lisalancaster

8. When you’re in the shower:

Waiting for THE CALL got me like… #justkeepwaiting #lularoequeueclub #lularoe

A post shared by LuLaRoe Danielle Meek (@lularoedaniellemeek) on

9. When you’re waiting for the laundry to finish drying:

waiting for ________ test results

10. When you have an intense dinner conversation with your significant other:

one does not stay calm meme

photo via imgflip

11. When you start talking to your dog:

pug call you right back meme

photo via quickmeme

12. When you start talking to your cat:

not calling cat meme

photo via morelikecantcer

13. When your friends ask how you’re doing:


Waiting at Work

You’ve managed to get away from the all-consuming and worrisome feelings you had at home. But now you’re at work, and it’s still difficult to be productive when the results are looming in the back of your head.

14. When you pretend to listen to your boss:


15. When you call the doctor’s office calls and they repeat that you should have the results soon:

dwight not calling meme

photo via morelikecantcer

16. When you start to get a little snarky with everyone: office space test results meme

photo via morelikecantcer

17. When you start giving a presentation and accidentally say something that has nothing to do with it:

adele mole waiting meme

photo via memegenerator

18. When it feels like eight hours have gone by but it’s only 20 minutes:

spiderman waiting rest results

photo via memegenerator

Waiting in Public

You’ve made it through the work day. Now you want to go grab a bite to eat, or read a book in the park, but the nervousness of the test results even follows you out in public.

19. When you’re sitting at a restaurant, waiting for your friends to arrive:

spongebob waiting meme

photo via memegenerator

20. When you’re trying to focus on what random people at a party are saying:


21. When you’re getting lost in thought while waiting for your Lyft driver:

forrest gump waiting meme

photo via makemeameme

22. When your friend makes a joke that you look nervous (and you are, but you’re acting like you’re not):


Waiting… in the Waiting Room

You finally received a call… but that’s just to tell you to come back to the hospital. Now you’re sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by other people who are just as nervous as you are.

23. When you’ve been waiting an hour after being told, “The doctor will be right out:”

Maury waiting meme

photo via livememe

24. When you realize you’re not even close to being called next:


25. When you’re not only nervous but also realize you have to use the bathroom:


Calling for Results

Sometimes, after you’ve waited days or weeks for test results, you just can’t wait any longer. So you make the call… and once again, you’re waiting.

26. When you start telling the admin a little too much information because he asked how you’re feeling:


27. When you’re trying to remain calm because they put you on hold and you’re listening to jazz music:

liam neeson waiting meme

photo via

28. When you’re on hold and you think you hear someone say something, but then you’re listening to more jazz music:


Getting the Call

You’ve waited long enough, and today is finally the day you get your results. The phone rings and you pick up.

29. When you don’t even let the person on the other line say hello:


Have a favorite meme? Let us know in the comments below.

Originally published: December 29, 2017
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