Eating Disorder Recovery — as Told By 'The Office'
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Most people who live with eating disorders go through a stage of denial — at least at in the beginning. Needless to say, some resistance to treatment should be expected…

Because when you start to add up all the treatment costs, it’s easy to see why…

Generally, most people don’t seek help until they have hit rock bottom…

…but once they do, they realize the decision is for the best.

In recovery, you often know what to do to get better, but you’re terrified to actually do it. Often, the eating disorder voice is what holds us back, and fogs our brain.

So in the beginning, you need a little more structure when it comes to your meal plan.

Sometimes, you’re even challenged to try foods you haven’t touched in years.

It’s hard to know where to begin in therapy…

…but eventually, you begin to come to terms with the fact that feeling leads to healing.

It doesn’t take you long to realize there are a lot of ups and downs on the road to recovery…

…and that some of your friends and family members will never ever understand why diet, exercise and body talk is triggering.

So you nod your head, keep your mouth shut and pretend to listen, because it isn’t worth the breath or energy to argue.

It’s especially difficult when someone comments about how “healthy” you look:

But there are those friends that are few and far between, the ones who really understand what you’re going through, and do their best to support you:

Nevertheless, you don’t give up… because it takes some time to shoot down ED and all of his tactics.

But the more you say “yes” to recovery, the easier it is to say “no” to your eating disorder…

And before you know it, sharing meals with other friends is actually enjoyable.

When your body starts to heal, you have more energy than ever before, and your friends aren’t complaining.

They’re happy to have the “old you” back.

When your recovery team gives you the green light for exercise, it’s hard to contain your excitement…

…and you even begin to enjoy the holidays.

The love/hate relationship with your recovery team no longer exists… now, it’s just love.

And before you know it, you’re free to start living life without ED.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can call the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline at 1-800-931-2237.
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Originally published: January 26, 2018