In the world of technology, we tend to use apps on our phones until they become an addiction. The majority of the time, these apps are social media-based, or for our own entertainment. We talk to our friends, post photographs and video, or private message. All of this is great, but what if we became addicted to apps that can actually help us cope with our mental health struggles instead?
By no means should an app replace any form of therapy, doctor or medication you may be currently using. Everybody handles things in different ways, because we are all different. However, an app can possibly be a great tool to help you cope when you’re having a hard time. Below is a list of eight apps you can download on your phone to help you positively cope with any struggles you may be dealing with. See if any of these apps can help make a difference in your life.
1. Anxiety Reliever
This app’s claim to fame is that it helps people relax and cope with stressed out situations, as well as offer audio recordings and helpful resources. Users can listen to audio recordings to help relieve anxiety or even use the app’s breathing tool to relax. Anxiety Reliever’s founder Madeline Fedorova says: “I know how much inner pain, fear and physical discomfort anxiety can bring, but you can overcome it!” Maybe her app can help you. To download the app, visit her website at:
2. Happify
When we become depressed, sometimes it’s hard to find the right coping skill to lift us back up. Happify offers solutions using scientific methods by implementing games and activities via phone, computer or tablet. Thirty-two experts in the field have tailored the app to work well with your brain and figure out ways to be happy. They also collaborate with other universities and organizations to conduct research to help improve the app’s model. To visit Happify, go to:
3. WhatsMyM3
Sometimes, our mood swings can be really intense. Because of this, it’s hard to tell what behaviors need a little more attention at times. WhatsMyM3 helps you track your moods, then assess your risks for bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. This app is helpful in terms of speeding up the process with your doctor, having self-awareness with your struggles and alerts you of any possible symptoms you may have. You can find the app available on iTunes and Google Play.
4. DBT Diary Card & Skills Coach
Dialectal behavior therapy (DBT) has been proven to be effective to treat borderline personality disorder. While this form of therapy is extremely helpful, it’s even more helpful if you practice different techniques at home. With the DBT Diary Card & Skills Coach app, you can practice your DBT skills by referencing terminology, referencing any record keeping or practice any skills you’ve learned. This app is created by a clinical psychologist and even has documentation to reference when using the app on their website. To find out more information about this app, see iTunes. A similar app is also available for Android devices here.
Schizophrenia can be challenging to cope with, especially when it’s hard to find the right resources. So, the University of California, San Francisco drive lab team members came up with an app that can help people with schizophrenia cope better on a daily basis. This app includes messaging with other peers who share similar struggles, goal setting that is focused on self-growth, as well as coaches available to encourage people who struggle make positive choices and improvements. The app is currently under user trial testing; however, already has a 5-star review. You can check out the app here on iTunes and Google Play to see if you are eligible to participate.
6. nOCD
nOCD is an app that helps people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) cope whenever it’s hard to manage. Users can go to the app whenever feeling triggered for immediate guidance. It implements cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and uses methods to reduce oncoming compulsions. Additionally, you can view your own personal data and join support groups within the app’s community. If you’d like more information, visit: You can even call them to learn more to see if it’s a right fit for you
7. Recovery Record
This app is not only for patients to use, but it’s also user-friendly for physicians or clinicians. Patients can keep track of their daily meals, coping skills and their personal data. Professionals can observe their patients data, compare progress, stay active in treatment plans and even send secure messages to their patients. According to Dr. Jim Lock of Stanford University’s Eating Disorder Program, “Recovery Record features help to keep treatment relevant, timely and on track.” To learn more, visit:
8. SoberTool
Substance abuse and addiction unleashes all sorts of symptoms that can affect our mental health. For some people, it’s really hard to cope with staying sober for a long period of time and this triggers all sorts of emotions. SoberTool helps encourage people to stay sober, counts your clean and sober days, connects you to support groups in your area and administers positive messages to help you stay motivated. It has great reviews and seems to be helping a lot of people. Visit:
If you or a loved one is affected by addiction and need help, you can call SAMHSA‘s hotline at 1-800-662-4357.
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you can call the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline at 1-800-931-2237.
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