If You're Constantly Running to the Bathroom, These 20 Memes Are for You
There are a number of chronic illnesses – such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroparesis or interstitial cystitis – that may cause you to spend a little more time in the bathroom than the average person. Frequent trips and long stays on the toilet can be awkward and uncomfortable, whether you’re at home or in public. The toilet seat is often hard and cold, the toilet paper can quickly cause irritation, and then there’s the smell… And this is all assuming you were able to find a toilet on time in the first place!
Dealing with symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea or constipation isn’t exactly pleasant, but sometimes humor can be a powerful coping mechanism for riding out those long hours in the bathroom. If laughter helps distract you from whatever’s going on down there, you may enjoy the following memes: