Fibromyalgia can cause a wide range of symptoms (such as brain fog, fatigue and sleep disturbances), though chronic, widespread musculoskeletal pain tends to be one of the primary, characteristic symptoms of the condition. While there are a number of products and coping techniques people may use to help manage the pain, there is unfortunately no cure or “one-size-fits-all” treatment that can completely alleviate all the pain fibro causes.
- What is Fibromyalgia?
- What Are Common Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
For that reason, many fibro warriors may turn to various distractions – whether it’s work or play – to take their mind off the pain. We asked our Mighty community to share their favorite distraction method or coping technique that helps them manage the pain of fibromyalgia. Let us know in the comments below what you would add!
Here’s what our community shared with us:
- “Watch a lot of Netflix! I binge watch a lot of shows because it distracts me from my pain. I also bought a pregnancy pillow and it has helped my pain so much!” – Meena N.
- “Gaming. The more I focus on the game, the less I notice my body. It’s not 100 percent effective but it works for me most of the time.” – Jennifer B.
- “Walk my dog, go to an aqua aerobics class at the local YMCA, foam roll, read a good book and multiple sessions of meditation.” – Amanda G.C.
- “As a mental distraction, I use Scribd (Netflix for books) on my phone to either read or, more often, listen to audiobooks. Getting lost in a story helps a lot, and with audiobooks, I don’t have to stare at a screen when I have light sensitivity.” – Ashley A.
- “I read a lot. Give my Shih Tzu attention. Watch TV. In between try to get some stretches in, walk to get things often to help [my] body cope.” – Cheryl L.
- “I distract myself by focusing on something else. I’m lucky enough to live by the sea. I like to sit and watch the waves, it feels as if the sea washes away all the cares of the day.” – Jill C.
- “If I have to move and I’m in pain, I sing to distract myself. Heat pads are also great when I remember to use them, but the best thing of all is rest/naps.” – Bethan T.
- “When the pain is really bad and I’m super light sensitive I watch TV with my sunglasses on! If I am feeling so sore and fatigued that even TV is an effort, I listen to a podcast.” – Jayne D.
- “I color if my hands aren’t in too much pain. I also read or watch something that makes me laugh. I could probably recite every season of ‘Family Guy’ verbatim. It’s my go-to show for taking my mind off of my pain and worries.” – Norma S.
- “I still work so I alternate my tasks and do them by thirds and halves. Other people don’t like it but my boss doesn’t care. Also I build routines [where the] purpose is to save energy. I’ve noticed if you do things in a certain way and order and within certain time limits you save a few spoons. At home I play a game or watch a movie or listen to lyric-less music. Wear soft materials. Super hot baths work, though not safe.” – Akiko K.
- “I will drink iced sweet tea and try to focus on positives. For example, if my back spasms, I think to the last time it did. I might take something for it and then play a game on my phone if I feel like it. If I am home, I lay down and watch TV. Even if I am not watching it really, it’s something comforting I have seen millions of times and do not need a lot of focusing, like ‘Friends’ or ‘Golden Girls.’” – Alexandria B.A.
- “Music is my go-to distraction from the pain. I become engulfed in the rhythm, the melody, the lyrics, and forget about the pain even if just for a short while. I associate music with memories, so it can also transport me wherever I want to go and take me away from the physical pain I may be feeling at any given moment.” – Molly L.
- “I lay down. If the pain is that bad and I’m not feeling great and I’m unable to function then I know I have to lay down. It’s not a cure but it prevents me from doing anything else to aggravate my pain.” – Letia L.N.
- “Reality TV. I watch it when I’m sick to distract me from my own problems. Or going to the gym. I just zone out for an hour or two and distract myself from the pain.” – Robyn A.D.
- “I always have a pack of cards to play with to distract me. Seeing numbers and trying to make a magic trick is usually good to distract me. And music – always music.” – Madeleine L.M.
- “I binge my favorite shows (currently ‘The Walking Dead’). Also do a lot of FB scrolling.” – Shayla F.W.
Photo by Tony Lam Hoang on Unsplash