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References: A Childhood With Epidermolysis Bullosa

References for “Darwin’s Orphan: A Childhood With Epidermolysis Bullosa,” by Eli Cahan

Interviews: (40, 89-119)

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  89. Kesselheim A. Interview with Aaron Kesselheim. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  90. Silver A. Interview with Alex Silver. In: Cahan E, editor. 2016.
  91. Silver A. Interview with Alex Silver. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  92. Sarpatwari A. Interview with Ameet Sarpatwari. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  93. Caplan A. Interview with Art Caplan. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  94. Steiner B. Interview with Bob Steiner. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  95. Austin C. Interview with Christopher Austin. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  96. Dilgen FP. Interview with Faye Purpura Dilgen. In: Cahan E, editor. 2016.
  97. Frydman G. Interview with Gilles Frydman. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  98. Tolar J. Interview with Jakub Tolar. In: Cahan E, editor. 2016.
  99. Tolar J. Interview with Jakub Tolar. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  100. Dilgen JH. Interview with John Hudson Dilgen in Staten Island. In: Cahan E, editor. 2016.
  101. LaMattina J. Interview with John LaMattina. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  102. Hernandez L. Interview with Lara Hernandez. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  103. CHu L. Interview with Larry Chu. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  104. Sanders L. Interview with Lee Sanders. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  105. Haffner M. Interview with Marlene Haffner. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  106. Summar M. Interview with Marshall Summar. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  107. Woolley M. Interview with Mary Woolley. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  108. Silva MD. Interview with Matt De Silva. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  109. Berg M. Interview with Michelle Berg. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  110. Morin M. Interview with Mindy Morin. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  111. Furlong P. Interview with Pat Furlong. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  112. Adamson P. Interview with Peter Adamson. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  113. Zeiger R. Interview with Roni Zeiger. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  114. Groft S. Interview with Stephen Groft. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  115. Bull S. Interview with Steve Bull. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  116. Yamada T. Interview with Tachi Yamada. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  117. Boat T. Interview with Thomas Boat. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.
  118. Garnett T. Interview with Tim Garnett. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.

119. Summar M. Inteview with Marshall Summar. In: Cahan E, editor. 2017.

Originally published: October 10, 2018
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