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Why Anxiety Actually Gives You 'Superpowers'

To the beautiful human struggling to find yourself…

Please know you must believe in and love every fathom of who you are before you can be completely and utterly confident. It will take time and patience, and frustration, but boy, it will be so worth it… trust me.

People underestimate those with mental disorders — even those who struggle with it themselves. I know I did. I thought for years I was “crazy.” I thought I was never going to get rid of the demons in my head, and the more my anxiety pursued, the more frustrated and hopeless I got to the point where I hated myself so much for not being “normal.” Then, one day, I stumbled upon something that changed how I looked at my anxiety; that these “demons” I experience can actually be superpowers. Yes, superpowers. As corrupt as mental disorders are, they also provide us with characteristics that other people just don’t have.

People with anxiety tend to be more intuitive than the average person. We can analyze situations and people without hardly knowing them. People who struggle with anxiety are also incredibly empathetic toward others and have a more comprehensive understanding of certain things. Then, there are people with depression who have very similar superpowers to those with anxiety. For instance, they are also able to understand things on a deeper level with an even clearer perspective. People with depression are generally also realists, and intelligent realists, at that. Those who experience either, or even both, are more grateful for the good and happy times because we know what it is like to be in the lowest of lows, even at a young age. We also have super strength, because sometimes we have to expend so much energy to simply get out of bed in the morning, make breakfast, go to work or school and have a normal day. For most, it’s easy, but for us, it could sometimes feel unbearable to even think about facing another day. One last thing… we will do almost anything for our loved ones, including hiding any sadness or fears we might be experiencing so that no one else has to worry about us. We don’t want to be any more of a “burden” to others than we already are to ourselves.

But you are not a burden! Not even close. Yes, there will be days you want to stay in bed and call out of work. There will be days when you just want to slump down to the floor and cry for hours, wishing you never had to go through this in the first place. But I’m here to tell you to pick yourself up. Remind yourself of the amazing superpowers you have and go be a hero for someone else. You have no idea how many people look up to you, do you? You are not worthless, you are not “stupid,” and for the love of God, you sure aren’t weak. Why? Because they don’t make weak superheroes. They make superheroes who are bright, important, powerful and strong. Remember this the next time you find your back slipping down the wall of the bathroom floor. Get back up and prove to the world all you are capable of. And for what it’s worth, love yourself. Don’t just accept all of your flaws and messes, but embrace them because they are what make you… you. You are your only limit.

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Originally published: August 1, 2019
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