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Join the Mental Health Memes Group

We know that sometimes humor can help us navigate life with mental illness. The Mental Health Memes group is a place to gather and laugh at the darkness. Connect and smile with other who experience the same mental health issues you do.

Right now, the Mental Health Memes group can only be joined via the Mighty mobile app. You can download the app here:

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Meet Heidi, group leader of Mental Health Memes.
We’d love to introduce you to your future group leader!

Heidi Fischer, leader of the Mental Health Memes group on The Mighty

Share a bit about yourself.

My name is Heidi. I’m a Mighty Community Leader and I run an Instagram account called @mentalhealthyxe.

Tell us a bit about your group.

Mental Health Memes is a fun place to come and laugh at the darkness.

What inspired you to start it?

I started making my own memes over two years ago and it turned into a fun outlet. When The Mighty started up groups, I thought that humor and mental health could be a great combo of content for the community. You can check out some of my memes about depression here!

Who should join this group?

Anyone who enjoys the intersection of sarcasm, silliness and mental health.

What kind of posts/topics can Mighties expect?

I post my original memes frequently and I hope others will make their own creations and add them as well. Great memes found elsewhere are welcome too! (P.S. If you’re new to meme creation, I share a few of my tried-and-true tips below.)

What do you want Mighties in your group to know?

It’s OK to laugh at serious things — it can even be a part of healing.

See you on the app!

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