Protesters across the U.S. have gathered every day over the past week to take action against police brutality and the murder of Black people, calling for justice reform and an end to systemic racism.
Attending a protest in person isn’t always an option for those living with a disability or chronic illness, especially given the risk of COVID-19 for those who are immunocompromised. But just because you can’t show up at a protest in your city doesn’t mean you can’t contribute to the anti-racism movement in other ways.
Say their names! #BlackLivesMatter #SayTheirName
From making sure you’re educated on the issues behind the protests (especially if you’re White) to donating to justice reform and contacting your representatives, it takes a village to dismantle the systemic racism America was built on. And if you’re a White person in this system, it can make a big impact when you step up to the plate and use your privilege to help move the needle.
Here’s what you can do if you can’t attend a protest:
1. Donate to Mutual Aid Funds
It's great that y'all are contributing to bail funds, but many of them have more money than they can use rn (thanks to your help) so I encourage you to ALSO donate to mutual aid funds! They help the ppl we're fighting for directly & are esp necessary during the pandemic. THREAD:
— lyd (@thegirlwithfood) June 1, 2020
As protests continue across the country, people answered the call to donate to bail funds to support arrested protestors. So much so, bail fund organizations have more donations than they need, so organizers are suggesting donations to mutual aid funds. Here are a few places you can donate to provide resources and support to Black communities:
2. Get Educated
One of the first steps you can take as a White person to understand why these protests are happening is to get educated. Read about Black history from Black writers, your role as a White person in systemic racism (and how to dismantle it) — and take the initiative to do this work on your own. Here’s a great list to get you started:
- A Timeline of Events That Led to the 2020 ‘Fed Up’-rising
- Save the Tears: White Woman’s Guide
- Reading List: Race, White Supremacy, and Anti-Black Racism in America
- The Case for Reparations
- The 1619 Project
3. Support Black Lives Matter
Rest in Power, Beautiful. @BlkLivesMatter honors those we have lost to police violence. #BlackLivesMatter #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd
— Black Lives Matter (@Blklivesmatter) May 29, 2020
Black Lives Matter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Since then, the organization has organized protests, petitions and other activism to eradicate white supremacy and fight against violence. Here’s how you can support Black Lives Matter:
4. Support Justice Reform
Here's our chart showing the overrepresentation of Black and Native people in MN prisons and jails:
For more specific rates/counts by race, try
— Prison Policy Init. (@PrisonPolicy) May 28, 2020
Justice reform, from ending police brutality to ending mass incarceration, play a major role in working against anti-Black racism in the United States. Here are just four organizations you can get involved in or donate to:
- Campaign Zero
- National Police Accountability Project
- Prison Policy Initiative
- The Sentencing Project
5. Add Your Voice to a Petition
#GeorgeFloyd screamed #ICantBreathe before dying at the hands of #MinneapolisPD. Being Black in America shouldn't be a death sentence. The cops involved were fired, but that isn't enough!
Text 'Floyd' to 55156 to demand DA @HennepinAtty charge them with murder. #JusticeForFloyd
— ColorOfChange (@ColorOfChange) May 27, 2020
Petitions are just one tool we have to demand change and accountability from those who enable police brutality. You can find and sign some of the major petitions demanding justice here:
- Justice for George Floyd
- Color of Change: #JusticeforBre
- Black Lives Matter: #DefundThePolice
- #WeCantBreathe
6. Get Involved With a Racial Justice Organization
We mourn the loss of life at the hands of white supremacy and we commit to doing our part to dismantling it. We want you to join us – and here are 5 places to start. #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd #JusticeforBreonna #JusticeforAhmaud #BlackLivesMatter
— Showing Up for Racial Justice (@ShowUp4RJ) May 27, 2020
In addition to nonprofits fighting for justice reform, you can join or donate to other racial justice organizations working to dismantle racism. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
- 28 Organizations That Empower Black Communities
- Showing Up for Racial Justice
- Know Your Rights Camps
7. Educate Your Children
Interested in teaching #BlackLivesMatter?
We recommend starting w the 13 Guiding Principles.Explore the @BLMAtSchool activity guide(avail in Spanish & Arabic) which features kid friendly language for each principle, writing prompts, and coloring pgs!
— Teaching for Change (@teachingchange) June 1, 2020
Dismantling racism can start from a young age. Teach children about racism and slavery as well as develop an appreciation for Black cultural figures. Seek out books, games and toys that include cultures other than your own and make diversity a normal part of your child’s everyday life. These teaching tools can help:
- Black History Flashcards
- 5 Black Children’s Authors and Illustrators You Should Know
- Teaching for Change
8. Support Black-Owned Businesses
As businesses are hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, now is a great time to reevaluate where you’re spending your money. In addition to paying attention to a company’s messaging about racial justice, you can directly support Black-owned businesses:
9. Contact Your Representatives
Your government representatives at all levels — federal, state and local — control the policy and money around policing in the U.S. You can write, call or email your representatives or the prosecutors in charge of a case and demand action. Keep in mind that state and local governments often control the police departments in your area. Here’s how to find your reps:
10. Combat Racism in Your Personal Life
Some of the most powerful work you can do to support Black lives starts at home. Petition for more people of color to be involved in your local groups. Those racist comments your family member makes? Call them out. Loved ones dismissing the experiences of people of color? Push back. Here are just two explainers to help:
11. Listen
If you’re not a person of color, one thing you should definitely be doing right now is get out of the way. Listen to Black people with an open mind and heart, lift their voices as opposed to speaking over people of color, and don’t dismiss their lived experiences. Start your listening here:
- How Many Black People Can You Mourn In One Week?
- The First Time I Realized I Was Black
- How Much Racism Do You Experience Every Day?
- First-person Stories of Everyday Racism
More Ideas on What You Can Do:
For even more ideas to fight for racial justice if you can’t attend a protest in person, check out the following list of suggestions:
Article updated June 4, 2020.
Header image via Sarah Schuster/The Mighty