These 10 Memes Will Make You Feel Personally Attacked if You Live With a Health Condition in 2020
If someone asked me to describe 2020, I would just nervously laugh. For those of us who live with health conditions or a disability, the pandemic has truly been an evil cherry on top of our ice cream of difficulties. Finding a way to laugh in these unprecedented times — an overused phrase this year — can be a way to cope with our reality, even if it is just for a little bit.
A source of laughter for many of us have been memes. Memes, unlike our current world, are simple and get to the point. As many of us are more isolated than before, it is also nice to know that many of us feel personally attacked by the same memes. We find the same memes funny because we have gone through a shared experience of living through a pandemic while balancing our own health issues.
Here are some memes you might find very relatable as we finish off the year that was 2020:
It is time.
— Salem ???? Pidge (@Salkitten) September 21, 2020
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I love chronic illness memes. It feels like, “wow someone out there totally gets exactly what I’m going through” yet they’ve managed to elicte a hearty laugh out of me ???? Humour helps take the edge off stressful truths.
— Simon and Martina (@eatyourkimchi) February 16, 2020
brain: did we get anything done this weekend?
me: no
brain: ok then at least we relaxed
me: somehow also no
— slate (@PleaseBeGneiss) December 14, 2020
my quarantine schedule:
3:00pm: wake up
3:30pm: dread
4:00pm: coffee and brooding
5:00pm: more coffee and brooding
6:00pm: anxiety attack
7:00pm: dwelling on the past
2:00am: light weeping
2:30am: dread and skincare— Matt. (@MattTheBrand) March 19, 2020
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