***Editor's note (Updated Nov. 2022): We have a small editorial team fielding a high volume of submissions. We are currently only able to process a limited number of external submissions every month. More details on "How to Submit" page.***
How to Submit | Editorial Guidelines | Mighty Contributor Portal | Why Was My Story Rejected?
Here are some frequently asked questions we receive about The Mighty’s contributor network. If you can’t find an answer to your question here or on our editorial guidelines, feel free to email us at editors@themighty.com.
Table of Contents
- Becoming a contributor.
- Paid opportunities for Mighty contributors.
- Why can’t you edit and publish every story that’s submitted?
- Once my first story is accepted, will all my stories automatically be accepted as well?
- Pitching ideas.
- What is your word count?
- Can I submit a picture or artwork I created along with my story?
- What if I don’t want to use my real name?
- How long does it take to get my story published?
- What if my story originally appeared elsewhere?
- Can I publish my story elsewhere after it’s published on The Mighty?
- Poetry and fiction.
- Can I include links to other sites (like my blog)?
- Can I promote my business?
- What if I want to take down my story?
- What if I need to make changes?
- Why did you change my headline?
- I’m having technical difficulties submitting. What do I do?
- Why was my article published as a Thought or declined?
How do I become a Mighty contributor?
Once our editorial team has accepted your first submission, you become a Mighty contributor! We encourage you to read through our submission guides listed at the top of this webpage for more information.
To submit your story for the first time, head here.
Already a contributor? You can submit here.
Are there paid opportunities for Mighty contributors?
Right now, we do not offer compensation for general submissions. However, we do have a few avenues for paid writing opportunities:
- Applying for our Super Contributor writing program. When applications are open, we’ll have a link here and announce it in newsletters and other places on The Mighty site.
- Our editors monitor all general submissions for viewpoints, writing styles, and intersections underrepresented in our community with an aim of offering paid writing assignments to those writers.
- Regular contributors may be contacted for paid work if their health experiences align with a Mighty partner campaign (most commonly produced in conjunction with a sponsor or nonprofit organization).
If you’re a professional writer or editor with experience in the disability, chronic illness, or mental health community, check out our jobs page, which will be updated as opportunities arise.
Why can’t you edit and publish every story that’s submitted?
We have a small (but mighty) team of editors who each bring personal experiences with various disabilities and conditions. Because of our current size, we are not able to edit every story we receive. That’s why if we can’t edit your story, we may post it on your profile as a “Mighty Thought” so our community can still read and comment on it.
Once my first story is accepted, does that mean all my stories will automatically be accepted as well?
No, even after your first story is accepted, we still review on a submission-to-submission basis.
Can I pitch my story idea to a Mighty editor before I submit it?
We can’t approve a story to be published before it is submitted. Stories can only be officially considered for publication once they are submitted.
Is there a word count for Mighty submissions?
Contributor Stories on The Mighty typically run between 400-1200 words. If your story is longer than 2000 words, please email us at editors@themighty.com to chat about it.
Can I submit a picture or artwork I created along with my story?
Yes! We love when contributors include personal photos with their story, but please do not send us a stock photo, and only send photos you have permission to share. We prefer featuring photos that relate to the story and humanize health conditions and disabilities.
If you do include a photo, make sure it’s at least 1280 px width x 800 height and high quality. We won’t be able to feature photos that are too small. Please make sure if you’re sharing a photo that includes someone else, that person has given their consent.
What if I want to submit my story but don’t want to use my real name?
We understand the world isn’t always a “stigma-free” place when it comes to writing about your health condition or disability. That’s why we completely understand when Mighty contributors aren’t comfortable using their real names. And we welcome those who write under a chosen name, even if it’s not your legal name.
This is especially true if you are worried about the possible ramifications of publishing your story, such as in states where the reversal of Roe v. Wade has now made abortion illegal. If you want to publish anything under a pseudonym, you are free to do so in the comfort of knowing it is anonymous. This is also true for anything previously published. If you need to talk about making any article anonymous, please contact us at editors@themighty.com.
Many Mighty contributors use a variation of their real name (for example middle name, last initial). Others choose to write under a pseudonym. If that’s your preference, we do ask that your pseudonym sounds like a name and not a username. You can change your name after your story is published, but please make sure it adheres to these guidelines. We cannot currently publish individual stories under an anonymous pseudonym.
Acceptable: Juan S., Alicia Rayne
Not Acceptable: Jenny8675309, Chronic Illness Warrior, MyWebsite.com, Anonymous
How long does it take to get my story published on The Mighty?
It can take up to three months for your story to get reviewed by a Mighty editor and then up to six months to be published. If your story is timely, you’ll be able to mark it as such during the submission process.
We’re continually trying to make our publication process faster, so we always appreciate your patience. If you’ve been waiting longer than a month and want to check in on your story, feel free to email us at editors@themighty.com.
What if the story I submitted originally appeared on my blog or another website?
That’s totally fine – it can still be published on The Mighty. Make sure you include a link to your blog when you submit, and we’ll credit it at the end of your piece. If your piece appeared on another website, make sure you have permission from that website, and let us know that you have permission.
Can I publish my story elsewhere after it’s published on The Mighty?
As a Mighty contributor, you own the rights to all of the stories you publish on The Mighty. If you have been paid by The Mighty for a story, we generally don’t allow it to be published on other websites, but we’ll consider exceptions -- just reach out to us at editors@themighty.com. We do ask if you use the version of your story that has been edited by a Mighty editor, you credit that it originally appeared on our site. As a note, not every publication allows previously published work, so always double-check it’s OK that your story originally appeared on our site.
Do you accept poetry or fiction?
Right now, we only publish first-person nonfiction essays and blogs. But, we encourage you to post poetry directly to our site using the hashtag #MightyPoets. You can also post your fiction stories as Thoughts.
Can I include links to other sites (like my blog) in my Mighty story?
We’re more than happy to link to your blog at the end of your story. However, we don’t allow affiliate links or “dofollow links” placed for SEO purposes. If you’re trying to promote a book or a small business, feel free to leave that information in the submission notes, and we’ll add the information if and where it’s appropriate.
Can I use The Mighty to promote my business?
We’re happy to publish stories that introduce our community to independently-owned businesses, especially those owned by community members with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and mental illnesses. That being said, we don’t publish press releases or overly promotional stories. If you’re a business owner, tell the story of your business from the perspective of someone who lives with a health condition or disability, and include takeaways or a message that could benefit our whole community. If your story has a strong message, we’re happy to link back to your business. We don’t allow any business to publish under their business name. We make exceptions for certain nonprofits we work with closely.
If you’re part of a larger company that wants to use The Mighty to promote your brand, you might be better suited to connecting with our revenue team: sales@themighty.com.
What if I want to take down my story after it’s published?
We understand that life happens, and for one reason or another, you might want your stories taken down from The Mighty. Because you still own what you publish with The Mighty, this is a viable option, but we do ask that you first consider: changing your name to make the piece anonymous (if it’s a privacy concern) or adjusting the piece so you’re more comfortable having it up.
Contact editors@themighty.com to explore your options.
What if I need to make changes after the story is published?
If you need to make a change to your story after it’s published, please let us know within 24 hours of your story being published. Contact editors@themighty.com and we’ll assist you!
Why did you change my headline?
If we changed the headline of your submission, you’re not alone! Our editors typically change headlines on stories to maximize their potential both on social and for search. We want people to read your stories, so we do our best to create interesting and engaging headlines that still respect your voice.
I’m having technical difficulties submitting my story. What do I do?
Oh no! Email editors@themighty.com about any technical difficulties you run into while submitting your story.
Why was my story published as a Thought or declined?
Unfortunately, we often can’t provide specific feedback about why we published a story as a Thought or declined a submission. The following are some common reasons why we are not able to accept a story submitted for our Contributor Network. You can also read our editorial guidelines for tips for telling your story.
1. We usually don't publish full health diagnosis journeys.
The Mighty is a place where everyone should feel safe and comfortable sharing their life story. We encourage you to share these kinds of stories as a Thought on your profile and in our Mighty Groups. However, unless you have an extremely rare condition, a diagnosis journey story usually won’t be the right fit for our contributor network. Instead, we are looking for stories that talk about a specific moment or experience, or that take aspects of your experience and use them to offer guidance or relatable ideas for others.
2. We usually can't publish very long stories.
Most Mighty Contributor Stories are between 400 and 1200 words. We rarely publish stories that are over 2000 words, except for in-depth educational guides and a few other exceptions. If you're submitting your first story, we recommend that you keep it under 1200 words and write the most focused, polished piece you can.
If you’re interested in submitting a story longer than 2000 words, please reach out to our editors at editors@themighty.com to discuss your idea.
3. We can't publish stories or Thoughts that contain sensitive information about another person unless we have their consent.
If a story contains too many personal and/or potentially stigmatizing details about someone, we will have to reject it from publication and will also be unable to post it as a Thought, unless you can provide permission from the individual and/or remove stigmatizing details. We are especially careful to avoid publishing stories that share sensitive and private information about children, such as details of behavioral challenges, meltdowns, potty training difficulties, etc.
When writing about a child or family member, always ask yourself: How would I feel if someone published this information about me in a place where millions of people can read it? If you wouldn't feel good about it, then it probably isn't appropriate to share.
You can learn more about how to write about children and family members respectfully in our editorial guidelines.
4. Stories that have many grammatical and spelling errors may be posted as Thoughts.
Content submitted as a Contributor Story may be posted as a Thought if it contains numerous errors. We understand that some folks may not have writing training or experience, may have learning disabilities that make it difficult to write, and/or may not speak English as a first language, and that's OK. We just ask that you run your story through spelling and grammar check before submitting it. We recommend the free Grammarly browser extension, as it will flag the most common issues in a story. Although these errors aren't always a deal-breaker, fixing them greatly increases the likelihood that we can accept your story, provided it meets our other editorial guidelines.
5. We may not accept stories if they contain outdated, ableist, or otherwise problematic language.
We are looking for contributors who understand the importance of using inclusive and supportive language to describe disability, chronic illness, and mental health conditions. We are more likely to accept your story if you have read our language guidelines and follow them when writing. In some cases, we may decline your story and request that you fix the problematic language and resubmit.
6. We can't publish Contributor Stories or Thoughts that contain certain kinds of highly triggering content.
We understand the importance of mental health triggers at The Mighty, and we ensure all published stories contain trigger warnings where applicable. This way, you can make an informed decision about whether it’s safe for you to read. There are some details that we generally do not allow regardless, as they can be particularly triggering or distressing for people living with a mental illness. These include but are not limited to suicide methods, self-harm tools, descriptions of blood, or extremely graphic descriptions of sexual violence. We reserve the right to remove and replace any triggering details in submissions, but we will be unable to publish any Contributor Stories or Thoughts if they cannot be easily changed. For more information, see our editorial guidelines.
7. Press releases, research questionnaires, commercial content, or advertising should not be submitted as articles.
We are not able to publish press releases, and it’s very rare for us to have the editorial resources to create a story based on a press release. If your press release is regarding a very small business or venture, such as a new book or a nonprofit organization, we may be able to accept a first-person story explaining why you created this project and how you hope it will help others. Please consult our editorial guidelines to learn more, or you can also email us at editors@themighty.com regarding your specific situation.
We do not accept advertorials or stories that are placed for SEO purposes. If you are interested in advertising or placing a sponsored post, contact sales@themighty.com.
8. We will reject writing queries or pitches submitted as stories.
If you have a writing query or a pitch for us, the best way to contact us is to send it to editors@themighty.com There is generally no need to pitch stories that are close to the 300 to 1200-word guidelines, but you may pitch stories that are far beyond this upper limit by emailing us at editors@themighty.com.