We usually associate fall with costumes, candy, hot apple cider, and bright-colored leaves. The “October theory” challenges you to take a cue from the leaves and make some changes – three months before you start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions.
The “October theory,” which originated on TikTok, is the belief that as autumn begins (in some parts of the world), it’s a good time to self-reflect and consider making a lifestyle change you’ve been putting off. The weather around you doesn’t have to change for you to participate in October theory. The idea is as the year winds down, you may feel motivated to make a change before a new year begins. Think of it as a breath of fresh, crisp fall air.
New Year’s resolutions can come with pressure and seem daunting. The October theory isn’t designed to create that feeling three months earlier. Instead, you can think of goals that feel reasonable – maybe you have one book you want to get through, or maybe you want to try out what it feels like to commit to one new recipe a week.
At The Mighty, you may want to give yourself and your health some extra love this October. You don’t have to face October theory with a specific task in mind – you can just decide to be kinder to yourself, especially as the holidays wind up. The end of the year can be busy, full of anxiety, and expensive, so October may be a great time to focus on you and what makes you happy and healthy.
Of course, these changes can be small. In fact, small changes are less intimidating and more manageable. You can try dedicating more time to yourself (even 10 minutes a day will help). You can make a doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. You can buy yourself to a treat once a week. Changes don’t have to be monumental, and they don’t have to be in the form of resolutions.
Even if October has passed, you’re not too late. If you need some motivation or a community around you to help you stay on track, you can join our 52 Small Things group, a space where, all year round, people make manageable goals and support each other through them. You can post your goals or just read along for motivation. You can cheer on fellow Mighties and ask for support when you need it. We’re with you no matter what.
Will you test out the October theory?