The Mental Battle Between Attention-Deficit Disorder and Anxiety
Having adult attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a constant battle in the brain, like two opposing sides fighting each other.
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My anxiety wants everything to be clean and organized. My ADD wants a disorganized mess.
My anxiety hates myself for being such a “slob.” My ADD can’t keep me focused on cleaning.
My ADD always wants to go out and be doing something. My anxiety tells me something is always going to go wrong and I’m safer in bed.
My ADD makes plans often. My anxiety always makes me bail.
My ADD wants to make lots of friends and be social. My anxiety says they all secretly hate me and they’ll hate me more when they get to know me.
My ADD makes studying very difficult. My anxiety tells me I will fail and disappoint myself and everyone around me.
My ADD tells me I should make a Facebook tab and scroll through it until I get bored. My anxiety knows I should be studying.
My ADD wants to make plans with friends. My anxiety makes me want to be alone.
My ADD wants to be spontaneous in relationships. My anxiety tells me every day that he will decide to leave me.
My ADD keeps me talking to him, maybe more than I should. My anxiety thinks I’m annoying him and that he’s going to leave me because of it.
My ADD has me talking more and more. My anxiety uses those words to look for constant reassurance.
“Do you hate me?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you ignoring me?”
My anxiety causes me to break down because my worries become a reality. My anxiety and ADD have ruined every relationship I’ve been in. My anxiety and ADD has destroyed many of my friendships. My anxiety and ADD dropped my GPA so low there may be no way out.
My psychological disorders will not win, even though they have in the past. I’m taking control of my actions, not being afraid to get help and not get frustrated when my medication cocktail fails. Taking control is being patient and knowing those who care about me will keep me moving forward.
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Thinkstock photo via KatarzynaBialasiewicz