Anxiety can have a way of making us feel unable to do everyday things. It can sneak up on us and make us feel weak, alone. The truth is, though, we are stronger than our fears and we can overcome our obstacles. We just need to prove this to ourselves. How do we do this? I suggest following these five steps:
1. Face your fears in small, manageable steps.
By facing your fears in small steps — steps that you choose — you can prove to your anxiety that you are stronger than it is.
2. Practice facing your fears on a consistent basis.
Like with exercising, the more you face your fears, the better you can become at it. By consistently doing things to get through your anxiety and over your other obstacles, I believe you can show your anxiety just how much you want it to leave you alone and how you won’t let it control you.
3. Track your progress.
By tracking the progress you make by writing it down, you’ll be able to see all you’ve accomplished. Not only is seeing your progress in writing proof you can do what it takes to be successful, but it can also help motivate you to do more and more to improve yourself every day.
4. When you feel like you can’t get through your anxiety or like you’re unable to do something, remember all of the progress you’ve made so far!
Being able to recall your most recent progress is a great way to remind yourself you can get through your anxiety and you are stronger than whatever is trying to hold you back.
5. Even if you don’t feel like you can do the main thing you want to, do something smaller.
Sometimes, we simply don’t feel like we can do something. Our anxiety can become extremely overwhelming, and we just can’t seem to break away from its hold. However, this doesn’t mean we can’t do anything. Try to do some light exercises or something smaller in order to help build your confidence!
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