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16 Messages We Have for Our Anxiety

Anxiety can be a healthy part of being human. It lets us know when we’re in danger and can motivate us to get things done when we need to. Most people have experienced this “healthy anxiety” — but for people with anxiety disorders, it’s different; the anxiety doesn’t alleviate when we need it to.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in America. More than 18 million people live with some form of an anxiety disorder every day.

Everyone experiences an anxiety disorder differently. Some people see it as a part of their personalities, while others see it as a kind of separate “voice” that makes them anxious. Either way, learning to live with and taking control of your anxiety is the first step towards recovery. Addressing the fear of anxiety itself can make it much easier to live your life — so we asked our mental health community what they would say to their anxiety if they had the chance.

Here’s what they had to say:

1. “I would say please go away. You freak me out to the point I’m scared to leave my house, visit friends or family, and I can hardly live my life.” — Cami L.

2. “What’s your trigger so I can avoid you? When you come out of nowhere, I spend valuable time trying to determine your cause, when I should be working on managing you.” — Sharon M.

3. “You’ve been with me for as long as I can remember and I would love to know a life without you. How about a compromise — I promise to pay attention to you when you do your job right, if you promise not to come running after me for every little thing.” — Katie D.

4. “I would say ‘thank you.’ Not for the panic attacks and days where I am scared to leave my room, nor for the paranoia and seeds of doubt you plant in my mind about the things in life I am surest about. I have accepted your presence but will never stop fighting you. I say thank you for making me a stronger person and allowing me to value the good times even more.” — Charley B.

5. “When I have you, anxiety, I am scared and don’t know what to do, same as when you are gone. Sadly I’ve adapted and can’t relax whether you are here or not. I’m always on edge for the next appearance.” — Heather E.

6. “Listen, I am not in a life-or-death situation every minute of the day. So you can stand down. I’m just trying to walk down the street, not charge into battle. Please react accordingly.” — Monica M.

7. “You may take my breath away in apprehensive and always temporary ways, but I am still in control… I do not know defeat. You may try to take a moment or few… but you will not take my life. I will continue to move forward, with every step… and every breath… as long as I’m breathing, I’m living you, my nemesis cannot stop it. I prevail through the bad days, O still breathe.” — Dee D.

8. “You think you won, but I’m just starting the fight. Every time, even after hours on the floor, that I get back up, I remember I am a warrior and survivor. I have to win. I will win.” –Allison M.

9. “So what do you say, anxiety, do you think we could work together? Could we learn to communicate better? We have lots of people who will help us. You should be one of my closest friends, I’m tired of you hurting me. I’m tired of you being one of my biggest enemies.” –Jazz C.

10. “You are not a heart attack. You are not an elephant sitting on my chest. You have taken control of some of my automatic bodily functions; you have taken control of my thoughts and even my dreams. But guess what, bully, I am stronger than you. I’ve been here before and I know how to defeat you.” — Paige K.

11. “You’ve made me a stronger person as I learn how to battle you on my own. You’ve made me stronger against people who don’t understand how much you affect me. You’ll always walk with me, but I’m the woman who I am today because of you.” — Natasha T.

12. “I’d say shut up. You’re not right. No one hates me, and if they do, they’re not important. The people who love me will always love me. Stop making me think I’m doing everything wrong and I’ll never be loved. I will be and I am.” –Jessica C.

13. “You scream and yell at me then you whisper ‘I’ll keep you safe.’ And the worst thing is — I sometimes believe it when you say that. –Laney P.

14. “Just listen to me. Take a backseat. I can improve my life better then you can.” –John C.

15.I’m learning to accept you. Thank you for giving me a different perspective on life and challenges. Thank you for connecting me with so many beautiful people. I know you won’t go away… but I do know we can learn to live together.” –Adele M.

16. “You won’t win, not anymore. And stop coming during my damn neck massages! Like really?” –Trina G.

Originally published: June 10, 2016
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