this year as been especially tough.
I have spent all year back and forth to specialists and tests, getting jabbed and prodded.
I was diagnosed with ASD & PAPVD (atrial septal defect & Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage) in March this year.
I had my first echo in January, which showed only a small amount of defects that where not worrisome. but the cardiologist ordered more tests as he suspected an ASD and PAPVD had been missed.
he was right.
after a transesophageal echocardiogram, cardio MRI and cardio CT angiogram everything was 100% confirmed & I was told the daunting news of my need for open heart surgery to repair these congenital defects.
I was put on the public waiting list in May and finaly have a date or my surgery which is in January.
all in all it’s been a complete loop of doctors and being tested this year which has been stressful especially seems I never knew I wasn’t right and I have never even been admitted to hospital for anything in my life.
I have a huge journey ahead still with my recovery and a huge mental hurdle with another year given to this condition and it halting so many of our goals and ambitions. but I also want it to hurry up and happen so I can recover and move on from this part of my life and get back on track and keep the mental breakdowns and what not to a minimum again.