This Autism Mom Has a Job Opportunity for Pediatricians and Dentists
If you are currently a pediatrician or dentist, or are working to pursue a career in pediatrics or dentistry, have I got an opportunity for you!
Would you like to pay back all your student loans in a matter of months?
Would you like to make your own hours and be able to avoid health insurance companies entirely?
Have you always wanted to give back but just weren’t sure how?
Well, today is your lucky day!
Pediatricians and dentists — meet the autism mom.
She’s been scrambling for years, trying to find just the right doctor and just the right dentist for her little one.
She probably doesn’t have health insurance that will actually cover autism anyway, so she is accustomed to paying paying out of pocket and often cash up front.
She speaks highly of you to her friends, her neighbors, the folks at church, other moms at the park — really anyone who will listen — if you’re willing to take just a few steps to help her out.
She already has several therapists, developmental pediatricians and neuropsychologists doing the heavy lifting. She only needs you to complete the check-ups.
She is loyal to you, knowing that her child can’t tolerate a change in routine anyway, which guarantees you years of future business.
She is always so thankful, often bringing treats for your office staff, writing letters and including you in Christmas card lists.
Sound too good to be true? Well, it isn’t.
This autism momma does all this and more and expects relatively little in return.
“What’s the catch?” you ask.
What does the autism mom need from her child’s pediatrician and dentist?
Someone who will listen to and respect her knowledge of her child.
Someone willing to have a quiet room option for a waiting area.
Someone who will not judge her or make passive aggressive comments when her 140-pound, 12-year-old son hides under the table because he’s terrified of getting a shot.
Someone who won’t shame her when it’s clear for the fifth visit in a row that her son does not brush his teeth well, nor will he let anyone near him with a toothbrush or toothpaste.
Someone who will not pull out the body-mass-index chart (again) when the subject of sensory issues and eating problems comes up.
Someone who will encourage her son to talk more about the aquariums he loves instead of shushing him in order to ask developmental questions.
Someone who actually reads a bit about autism, knowing that 1 in 68 children are currently diagnosed with it.
Someone who genuinely loves kids, has a sense of humor and can see the big picture.
This opportunity is not for everyone and it won’t last long.
If you think you have what it takes, please contact us today!
Follow this journey on Not the Former Things.
The Mighty is asking the following: Tell a story about a time someone helped you and/or your child when you needed it most. If you’d like to participate, please send a blog post to Please include a photo for the piece, a photo of yourself and 1-2 sentence bio. Check out our “Share Your Story” page for more about our submission guidelines.