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Autism Avenue is a floral and gift shop that trains and hires young adults with autism and sells items made by its employees.


This floral and retail shop does more than just sell gifts made by people with autism.

Autism Avenue is a one of a kind floral and retail shop which hires young adults with autism.

The structured work environment provides job training and real world experience for its trainees.

Located in Wichita, Kansas, potential employees must master a pre-training program before they are considered for a position.

Working gives trainees the opportunity to practice the skills they’ve learned while building self-esteem, social connections and motivation.

Items sold in the shop are unique and personal because they are created by the employees.

The store also carries support resources as well as awareness items such as necklaces, bracelets and artwork.

To learn more about Autism Avenue, visit

Originally published: February 23, 2017
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