I find being grateful each day for the little things in my life that get me through the day. I'm grateful today for 1) Breathing a little easier - I've had pneumonia for the last 3 weeks but am finally seeing a change for the better 2) Family and friends who go out of their way to bring me food and supplies 3) The roof over my head 4) The food in my pantry 5) My old bed, with it's old, saggy mattress 6) Water 7) My cat Guy 8) My back-scatcher 9) My hobbies - just before I became ill, I began baking my own bread again, so I had what I needed when the world changed.  The smell of fresh-baked bread is amazing and the bread far better than store bought 10) The internet and all the other Mighties out there 11) Books 12) Videos 13) Solitaire...  I could go on and on