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💙Happy Father’s Day💙

HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY!! And a special shoutout to:
all the fathers who can’t be with their children;
all the children who can’t be with their mothers; and those whose dreams of fatherhood did not come true! 💝

#FathersDay #Parenthood #ChildLoss #Miscarriage #MightyMoment #MightyTogether

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Reminder to everyone that “your best” doesn’t mean pushing yourself to your breaking point. “Your best” means the best you can do while being the best you. Get enough sleep, give yourself breaks, listen to your limits. “Your best” is better when you’re happy and healthy.~ billie jean #MightyTogether #MightyMoment #MentalHealth #CheckInWithMe

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Monitored by Melanie R.

Echoed chambers of my heart;
Centered rhythm deepest part.
Search me Lord, and see I’m true-
Slated clean,
each beat for you.

Five ways count each beats refrain, monitored life both joy and pain.
Set each P,Q,R,S,T…
my heart declares my love for thee.

And if one day my chambers still,
my heart set free-
fulfilled Your Will!

Psalm 26:2
Test me Lord, and try me,
examine my heart and mind.

1 Chronicles 28:9
Acknowledge The Lord of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion, and a willing mind. For the Lord searches every heart, and understands every desire, and every thought.

#MitochondrialDisease #MightyMoment #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #InsideTheMighty #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #AxonalNeuronalNeuropathies #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #RareDisease

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💪🏻‘Courage’ is not ‘Fearless’💪🏻

Having courage is not the same as being fearless. When you complete a task despite being absolutely terrified, that is true courage! 💪🏻

#MightyMoment #PositiveThinking #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #JointHypermobilitySyndrome

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💐Happy Mother’s Day (UK)💐

HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY (UK)!! And a special shoutout to:
the mothers who can’t be with their children;
the children who can’t be with their mothers; and those whose dreams of motherhood did not come true! 💝

#MothersDay #ChildLoss #Miscarriage #MightyMoment #MightyTogether

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Chronic Pain by Melanie R. #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #MitochondrialDisease #BackPain #MightyPoets #MightyMoment #InsideTheMighty

Chronic Pain by Melanie R.

Through battles of despondency,
Rare chronic illness muckings.
Hear echoes of their laughing,
rubbing hands of their stalkings.

Burdens of my symptoms;
it’s tortuous attacks.
They’re one behind the other;
My light seen,

A ship in fog kept idled.
My engine just won’t start.
Reaching for my Bible-
as my body falls apart.

Can spirit separate from body?,
to escape the suffering?
Crude hell of inflammation,
raging fire from within.

A rumbling embodiment;
endless lava burning–
proclastic hyperglow
emitted from my yearning.

Feel branded…
Hot pokers of this thorn,
attacking my body…
I lay here and I mourn.

Felt unclothed out in winter,
I shivered on my own.
I needed Him beside me;
to clothe me-
bring me home!

A martyr full of valor,
burned alive for faith,
a yesteryear believer,
the blood runs through my veins.

Coursing and crying
for justice in pain,
Lamenting in writhing…
My tongue calls his name!

He heard me,
procured me,
Bottled my tears.
Filled me of healing,
replaced all my fears.

Cut open,
I’m slaying.
Filleting of flesh.
I share in His suffering,
soul-fired, and blessed!

In cells of his captors
Paul sang of His songs,
The Word was his strength-
I sing all day long!

Have rhythm,
Give glory!
Mountains have moved!
My symphony of suffering,
sweet melody of truth!

#AutoimmuneImmunodeficiency #CheckInWithMe #InsideTheMighty #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #MightyTogether #BackPain #RheumatoidArthritis #MightyPoets #ChronicPain #MitochondrialDisease #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicInflammatoryDemyelinatingPolyneuropathy #Gastroparesis #RareDisease

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Anyone Struggling with Depression and or Anxiety Right Now? #Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth

I wrote this a couple of years ago regarding my struggles. I’m here today to tell you that YES you will get through this. That YES you are strong enough to deal with this. That YES you will be able to advise others on how you coped in the future. Yes you will. You’ve got this 💪 #MightyTogether #MightyMoment

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Happy November 🍂

Last night was a delightful change of pace, a bit of low key fun that I hadn't experienced in quite some time 🧡. This time last year, I was still fresh out of hospital around Halloween and not very able to participate, so this year felt especially liberating and enjoyable. There was a moment of slight panic when my husband mentioned AFTER I’d drawn it on that my cat nose wasn't quite working. But with a little effort, I think I managed to pull it off in the end!

One of my favorite Halloween traditions is creating little bags filled with a blend of treats and toys. I have a soft spot for the timid little kiddos who are reluctant to let go of their parents' hands and walk up to the door to claim their treat for their effort of dressing up. Kneeling to their height, I try to offer words of encouragement, in an attempt to ease their unease.

Then there's another group that tugs at my heartstrings: the children without costumes. Whether their parents handed them a mere grocery bag or it was their own last minute invention, I empathise deeply with these kids because I see myself in them—as I too was once one of them, the neglected child. So, when they return, hoping for more treats, I understand their actions are not driven by greed but that for many of them, Halloween may as well be Christmas. So I give them the second bag, hoping to add a little more joy to their night.

On reflection; I think the thing that makes Halloween great, is that it transcends the simple joys of dressing up and indulging in treats.

It's a chance for community interaction and connection. While some might criticise the commercial nature of these holidays, for my part, I hope I never view the world with such cynicism. Especially at Halloween, when we have the opportunity to spread kindness not just within our own families, but throughout our community.

After all—as us Mighties know far too well—the world can always do with more kindness 🫶

#WarmWishes #DistractMe #CheerMeOn #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Fibromyalgia #Endometriosis #MyCondition #PTSD #Loneliness
#Grief #Trauma #Anxiety #MightyMoment #MightyTogether

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