How are you?
How is everyone today? I've been dealing with some rapid cycling. Haven't focused enough to create a while.... where are you today? #theVanGoghComplex #bipolarcreative #bipolarartist #bipolardiaries
How is everyone today? I've been dealing with some rapid cycling. Haven't focused enough to create a while.... where are you today? #theVanGoghComplex #bipolarcreative #bipolarartist #bipolardiaries
Share those creative pursuits getting you through the darker part of the year... #Bipolar #bipolarcreative #bipolarart #bipolarartist #theVanGoghComplex
I have a side gig doing reformed/reimagined/repurposed found art pieces that I paint as gods and goddesses from around the world in cooperation with my clients, so they can have personal spiritual pieces with their own specifications and/or my creative spin. Here is one I did of Medusa Reimagined recently as she transforms from a Priestess to a Medusa closer to the one we know today. Many women I have encountered feel connected to Medusa as a misunderstood character as women or people often feel misunderstood and corrupted unfairly by the stories told in society. This piece was originally an unpainted ceramic bisque statue. I made some of the snakes with polymer clay, repurposed toys, old jewelry, and shed snake skin (snake is alive and well). I love making these pieces for my clients, but I'm struggling to get going lately. Even though this has been the best therapy for me. I hope I can paint today. #Bipolar #bipolarart #bipolarcreative #bipolarartist #theVanGoghComplex
Share your creative moments with us. 😁 #bipolarart #bipolarartist #theVanGoghComplex
I see we are having some trouble getting started.... I would love for this group to be a resource and community for you.... so... What works for you? What would make you feel secure enough to share your work here and start a discussion about art and bipolar's impact on it? Let us know, so we can build a meaningful community that can help BP artists thrive. No one needs to be at any particular level or use any particular medium. You just need to be a Bipolar Creative for which art is a lifeline and be willing to show up for each other when we can, admit when we can't, and fight to keep creating. Be a part of the conversation and community and you will find love and acceptance here. No one is expecting perfection, but expression is needed for us to come alive as a community. #Bipolar #bipolarart #bipolarartist #theVanGoghComplex