I have basically been hibernating all wknd from the abnormally cold MO temps here. Been living in my panda onesie and yes, lots of sleeping. When I am up, have been extremely active online, though. Been meeting new friends on a new site a fb friend introduced me to and actually communicating one on one w/ peeps via fb messenger, etc more than I have in a long time. I have had some mixed results, both good and bad, but feels good to put myself out there a little and socialize, even if only online for now. I highly recommend taking advantage of groups such as this and other online communities w/ common interests, especially if you don't get out and about a lot, for whatever reason or struggle w/ social anxiety or social disorders like AS, such as myself. I communicate much more effectively via writing, anyway! (Although I am extremely and fully verbal in person, too, don't get me wrong). Lol. #ASD #Aspergers #bipolaraspiesunite #Bipolar1 #ADD #willieverworkagain #socialissues #socialsolutions