Hello to all bipolar moms!

I am planning to get pregnant soon and as I suffer from bipolar disorder (mostly mixed features) I have tons of questions!
Did you stop taking all your medication prior getting pregnant? What medication were you taking during pregnancy?
How was your mood during pregnancy? I am happy to say that I’m stable now and I’m curious how hormones/ stopping medication affected you during pregnancy.
Did you deliver baby naturally or by c-section? What was recommended to you by your doctor?
How did you feel after becoming a mom? Is it indeed common to relapse? Did you get mania or depression? Were you able to take care of your baby or did you need help of your relatives?

I would like to stress that I am not judging, I just want to know what I am up for. I have thought a lot about the challenges of being a mom with bipolar disorder and I would like to learn about it more from you, moms with bipolar, rather than from yet another article online.

It would be great if you can share your experiences with me ❤️

Thank you 🙏 #BipolarDisorder #bipolarmom #bipolarpregnancy