Bipolar. Mom of 3. Social worker. Daughter. Wife. And let’s discuss “wife.” Wife had a breakdown 3 years ago, adulteress added to list of labels. Husband stayed and “stood there through it all.” While also, temporally taking custody of my kids away. Yes, you did. Now I’m stronger, balanced, managing my multiple labels and doing well, for the most part. Coming to terms that you are no longer who I want to spend my life with. Through it all, they (kids) were on your “side,” and now 2 of the 3, will chose you, I know this. Heartbreaking. So I stay, stay in a life I’m unhappy with, just to be with my children who would not chose me anyway. Confident I can live a happier life on my own, without you but not without them. So I stay, until when, for how much longer I don’t know, but what do I do? #bipolarmom #Bipolarwife #bipolarlife