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Why People From All Over Are Taking Photos With Carrots

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Brice Royer, the man best known for his viral Craigslist ad selling unconditional love for the price of $0, has recently been getting some internet love of his own.

The 31-year-old from Vancouver has a form of stomach cancer called gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) that has severely restricted his diet. He wrote on his blog that carrots are the only food he can eat consistently without pain. Since his diagnosis, he’s lost more than 30 pounds and struggles to get enough nutrition.

To help boost his morale during this difficult time, people from all over world began taking photos of themselves with carrots and sending them to Royer.

Their kindness made me tear up,” Royer wrote about the people sending photos, “and the fun pictures made me laugh.”

Royer says his mother will print out all the images and put them on a wall where he can see them. He calls it the “Carrot Love Wall.”

It makes me want to get out of bed, and it makes me want to stay alive,” Royer told The Huffington Post British Colombia. “Normally they say patients like me have a five-year life expectancy after a GIST diagnosis, but I won’t give up so easily.”

h/t HuffPost BC

Originally published: April 8, 2015
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