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In Addition to Praying for Me While I'm Ill, Here's What You Can Do

If you are like me, your newsfeed is full of people in crisis. It might be a house fire, a new diagnosis, or a never-ending, chronic disease. You read your friends dilemma, and scroll down to find that everyone is praying for her/him. That is wonderful! I, for one, am ecstatic at the number of friends and family who have and continue to pray on my behalf. I’ve had a few other crises in my life, and they were surrounded by prayer and service, and it got us through. When our preemie was born, we had meals brought, friends cleaning and gardening, errand ran, and unbelievable support.

Chronic illness is much different. Many people with chronic illness desire prayer, and service. But to ask a wide circle of friends to continue their support indefinitely is a lot to ask for. We are all only human. Now that I have some good days, I am very aware of my type of praying, and it definitely results in doing. I think God likes it this way, at least that is what I believe He told me.

I thought I’d start a list of things people can can say (or type). I extremely aware of budgets, more than I would like, so I composed the list to reflect mostly inexpensive or free things. I realized some of these do cost a few dollars, but maybe that counts as your tithing for the week? If you are one of those prayer warriors who finds your self commenting,”Prayers sent,” or, “I’m praying for you,” here is a list of things to supplement with your prayers to make them super prayers of action!

I would love to hear more from the chronic illness, especially my Lyme community on other ways they would love to have prayers delivered. This is just a start of a long list that needs to be out there.

Alternatives or additions to, “I’ll pray for you:”

1. “Can I swing by with a few frozen meals for your crock pot?”

2. “Can I bring your dog to the dog park or on a walk?”

3. “Can I bring your dog to the groomer?”

4. “Can I bring your kids to the library? The dollar store? The park? The movie theater? Or my house?”

5. “I’m going to the grocery, let me pick up your debit card and a list from you.”

6. “Do you know that Walmart has online grocery shopping? If you want to order online, I’m happy to pick up and deliver to you.

7. “My teenager can take off part of his grounding sentence if he comes over and cleans your floors and baseboards. Just say when.”

8. Holler if you need help going through your mail or running errands or paying bills.”

9. “On the next nice day, I would love to come weed your garden while you nap.”

10. “I just got some new awesome nail polish. Can I come over and do mani-pedi session with you?”

11. “I love my new pressure washer, can I come over and try it on your house?”

12. “I do windows… Can I come over?”

13. “I have a great coupon for oil change, can I treat your car to one?”

14. “Do you want help organizing your medical papers and reports?”

15. “Don’t hesitate to call if you need transportation to the doctor, I can take my lunch break anytime.”

But what if you don’t live near your chronically ill friend? Here are some good ideas too:

1. “Look for some funny texts coming your way!”

2. “I want to send you my favorite book or play.”

3. I can add you to my audible membership for only five bucks a month, and you can listen to unlimited books!”

4. “I made you a new playlist for support. Let me know how I can get it to you.”

5. “I called a local house cleaner who can come twice a month. My treat! Use her well.”

6. “I want to make you a ___, send me your address.”

7. “I found an amazing Groupon deal in your area. I’d love to have dinner sent over one night this month. Let me know what day works best.”

8. “Care package, complete with jokes and fun, headed your way!”

9. “I know your disease makes things hard to comprehend, let me know if there is anything I can research for you on my end.”

10. “This disease has been going on for a long time, I bet its effecting your finances. If you need a consult, let me know. I have just the right friend who will donate an hour or two.”

11. “Wow. You have such a strict diet with this disease. Do you need an accountability partner? I’m in!”

12. “Is there a cheap product on Amazon (like monthly epsom salt delivery) that I could add to my reoccurring order?”

Please continue to add to this list of active prayers and share it with your support networks! Hopeful healing to all today and everyday.

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Thinkstock Image By: stevanovicigor

Originally published: July 17, 2017
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