To the Chronically Ill Parents, From a Chronically Ill Daughter
First of all, thank you so much for everything. Even if you don’t believe it, you are doing the best job with raising your children.
I am a child of a chronically ill mother. And I am thankful for it. I wouldn’t change one single day.
To my mom: Growing up, seeing your good days and your bad days, I’ve learned to put value in the little things. I enjoyed laying in the grass with you and imagine what the clouds look like. I never needed to go on vacation. You couldn’t. So I couldn’t. But I was never mad at this.
We have always been a team. I grew up as someone you trusted, and you knew I had to grow up faster because you needed help. And I’m sorry I didn’t see the help you needed. I helped you, but I could have done more.
When I suffered from chronic pain at a young age you knew. You knew what it was like. And you believed me. You still do. I am 25 now and I still don’t have a definite answer. And you still believe me because you know. You know what it is like to spend way too much time in a doctor’ s office.
I learned so much from you. Value the little things, enjoy the good days, tolerate differences and embrace them. Be nice to others, as you don’t know what the other person is going through. Give unconditional love.
And now, being chronically ill myself, I’ve learned how to cope because of you. To find the strength to push through if I absolutely have to, and to laugh. Laugh against the pain and all circumstances.
I learned so much because you are chronically ill, because you had to define new values for us when you became sick. And I am grateful for it. I knew life could have been easier without your struggles and I always wished I could take them from you. But, at the end of the day, you’ve been the best mother I could have wished for.
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Thinkstock Image By: Liderina