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My 'Game of Thrones' Playlist to Get Me Through Tough Days With Illness

I have just been through a year that had me shouting “seven hells” many times. My seven hells this year were PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), multiple pulmonary embolisms, anxiety, panic attacks, menopause, Lyme disease and interstitial cystitis.

“Game of Thrones,” and other shows like it, have helped keep me occupied and distracted through the pain and heartache that often accompanies chronic illness. I wrote an article about it last year.

I am incredibly grateful to have made it through this year. I am still struggling and fighting, but am much better than last year. Last night was the premiere of “Game of Thrones” and I couldn’t wait to watch it. Partly because I have been waiting a year and a half for the new season, and partly because it is a reminder that I made it through, I survived.

This morning while making pancakes for my family, it seemed like every song was reminding me of “Game of Thrones.” Some songs made me laugh, some made me think of certain GOT characters, and others made me feel excited and happy. So happy that I danced in my kitchen for the first time in over a year. I hope you enjoy my playlist, and I hope you dance too.

Here is my “Game of Thrones” playlist:

1. “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen


Who will bite the dust this season?

2. “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” by Poison


Last season Margaery and Loris Tyrell were killed by Cersei. I’m sure that their grandmother Olenna will be all thorns this season.

3. “Born to be Wild” by Steppenwolf


The Wildlings are a huge part of GOT and will have a great role to play this season too as many battles will take place.

4. “Back to Black” by Amy Winehouse


Jon’s watch has ended and he won’t go back to black, but I’m sure the Night’s Watch will be by his side as they fight the Night King and his army of wights.

5. “Pride” by U2


This important song was of course written about MLK Jr., but it briefly made me think of the fictional character Ned Stark, who lived his life with honor and pride, and who many still fight for in the name of love.

6. “The Rains of Castamere” by The National


Who could forget the Red Wedding or this amazing/haunting song? What will the Lannisters be up to this season? How many of us souls long to see/hear what they will do?

7. “Burden In My Hand” by Soundgarden


This song reminds me of Tyrion. He is now hand of the Queen; how will he handle this honor and burden? Will he rise to the occasion once they reach the sands of Dragonstone, or will he drown in alcohol and fall to pieces once again?

8. “Dire Wolf” by The Grateful Dead


Will Ghost return? Will Arya be reunited with Nymeria? Which sinners and bad guys will the Stark wolves attack? Many have it coming to them.

9. “Hound Dog” by Elvis Presley


He isn’t high class, but I’m so glad the Hound is back! He prefers chicken to rabbits and has been a secret friend of the Starks. F*ck the king, let’s see what he does this season!

10. “Witchy Woman” by The Eagles


Cersei was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and now she has suffered the witches’ prophecy. Gold are now her children’s shrouds; will her little brother now choke her to death? We shall see.

11. “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell


Nothing will stop The Mountain from protecting Cersei, not the Trident river or the Vale of Arryn, and nothing will stop me from watching the Cleganebowl if it happens this season!

12. “Smoke On The Water” by Deep Purple


This song reminds me of the Greyjoys since Pyke is always misty and smoky looking. It also reminds me of The Battle of Blackwater, and other battles to come. What will be Theon and Yara’s fate? What great battles on the sea lie ahead?

13. “Something Wild” by Lindsey Stirling


Dany has a big heart and has become wild and powerful, and she is being called home. While her dragons chase the sky, the lights are blinding and her quest is binding. Her maps and battle lines are drawn, will she prevail and ultimately sit on the throne?

14. “Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd


I’m on Team Stark and Jon Snow is my favorite. He may be a simple man but he has learned something, and does not live for rich mans gold. He follows his heart and knows what’s in his soul. I hope it leads him to great things and happiness.

This past year I said “not today” to the god of death many times. I hope you say “not today” too, and I hope he listens.

Winter is here. Let’s all hope it’s not a long one.

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Originally published: July 17, 2017
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