14 Memes That Nail What It's Like to Be Young and Chronically Ill
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Chronic illness can come with a host of problems, regardless of your age. But for those dealing with an illness as a child, teenager or young adult, being sick can bring about some unique difficulties. Many people often equate “young” with “healthy” – a misconception that can be complicated by the fact that so many symptoms and side effects of illness are invisible. Young people may look like the picture of health even if they’re chronically ill, which can lead to a lot of judgment and misunderstanding.
Although the frustrations of being young and chronically sick are no joke, sometimes a little humor can be a powerful coping mechanism. If laughing helps you navigate life with a chronic illness, you may enjoy the following memes.
1. When someone says, “But you’re too young to be that sick!”

2. When someone is trying to understand how you can be young and sick:

3. When you’re the doctor’s youngest patient:

4. When pain doesn’t discriminate:

5. When someone points out your age and suddenly you’re cured!
6. When “young” gets mistaken for “healthy”:

7. When a doctor doubts your illness because of your age:

8. When you don’t look old, but you sure feel like you are:

9. When you’re trying to keep up with schoolwork on top of your chronic illness:

10. When older people assume all young people are healthy:

11. When everyone else is finding jobs and starting families but you’re just trying to keep your health under control:

12. When people judge you for not “looking sick”:

13. When everyone else your age is going out and staying up late but you basically live in your bed:

14. When maybe your chronic illness just got confused…

Originally published: March 20, 2018