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15 Memes That Nail What Summer Is Like When You're Chronically Ill

Chronic illness can be challenging and present new and unpredictable obstacles year-round. But for many spoonies, the heat and light of summer can aggravate symptoms and cause even more flare-ups than usual.

Maybe heat worsens your fatigue, or maybe your illness or medications cause you to have photosensitivity and experience pain or rashes from being out in the sun. Regardless, it can be especially difficult and a bit isolating at times when it seems as though everyone under the sun wants to be… well, under the sun.

Summer can be a tough season for spoonies, but if relating to others through humor helps you cope, you may enjoy the following memes.

1. When the hot weather exacerbates your fatigue:

summer have me like... I might as well sleep for 100 years or so
via @me.mesterr Instagram

2. When everyone is excited about summer but you’re dreading it:

shut up about the sun! shut up about the sun!
via buzzfeeduk Tumblr

3. When you overheat way quicker than everyone else:

woman saying 'put the air conditioner on'
via @hvacbabes Instagram

4. When you’re the only one of your friends who spends the summer indoors:

when you go back to school and your friends have been on holiday and tanning while you've spent all your time watching netflix
via dankestmemestealer Tumblr

5. When your skin is super sensitive to sunlight:

just peeked outside to see if it was hot
via @addiesmommiee Instagram

6. When your friends don’t understand why you’re not excited for summer:

friend: I'm so happy summer is finally here! me: *woman melting*
via @horror__memes Instagram

7. When your illness and the sun just don’t mix:

me after being outside for ten minutes: fish from sponebob with glowing red burnt skin
via @dylanneaubrey Instagram

8. When you go to extreme measures to avoid sunlight:

woman walking outside with an umbrella and a wrap that completely covers her
via @horror__memes Instagram

9. When everyone is having fun outside and you’re in bed like:

kermit lying under a blanket
via @fatimalmao Twitter

10. When you’re using your heating pad in the middle of summer:

dog sitting in fire saying 'this is fine'

11. When the sunlight causes physical pain:

we hates the light, it burns us
via @kroonistakipua Instagram

12. When friends try to get you to leave your house:

woman curled up in bed with her cat and talking on the phone. someone asks "wanna hang?" and she says "can't. busy."
via @moistbuddha Instagram

13. When even the air conditioner can’t cool you down:

I don't want to say it's hot in my room, but two hobbits just came around and threw a ring in it
via @serenekitten Instagram

14. When you mix chronic fatigue and hot weather:

me: tries to do things. my body: no no no no
via unaverage-confessions Tumblr

15. When you take a shower but are already sweating again before you even dry off:

still wet from shower... already sweating again
via @AlarmClock Twitter
Originally published: April 30, 2018
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