Chronic illness can make you feel worthless. I struggle immensely with this as I know many of you do as well. Many of us lived fast-paced lives before becoming sick. To go from running around, full of life and living within the buzz of life to struggling to get out of bed, function, make meals, wash etc. It can be destructive to your soul.
People used to rely on me. I used to be valued in my jobs and I could take care of house affairs. Now I feel like a chore for others. I am unable to socialise like I used to, I make trips out a struggle, I cannot perform work tasks as effectively and home chores get left undone because I am too fatigued.
I feel like I have lost myself.
So what do I have left? What is my purpose? I feel like I live in a bed, confined to four walls, and am a strain on my loved ones – and maybe you feel this way too.
So here today I felt it would be important to raise some reasons why we all have a purpose and are worthy.
1. We are loved. What would your husbands, wives, children, grandparents, brothers, sisters, parents and friends do without you in their lives? You may not be able to drive them around, watch their football match, go out for a meal, go to the theatre or go on holiday, but you can snuggle up in bed and watch a film, you can make their favorite pasta dish, you give the best hugs and you share the best stories. We have to remind ourselves of these little special characteristics, skills and personality traits that make us unique.
2. Our story helps others. Whether we are on the streets giving out leaflets or simply lying in bed in an awful amount of pain, we will be touching others. People will read the leaflets and reach out for help if it’s needed, as someone who sees you bedridden and struggling to function won’t want to go through the pain you are experiencing and will go and get help. So you may not be the loudest voice but just functioning and doing the best you can to make it through the day makes an impression on people.
3. Talents. We are all unique and we all have talents neither people nor any illness can take away from us. We must keep this in mind. We may not be able to perform them currently but nobody can take your past achievements away from you. That wedding cake you baked, the marathon you ran, the book you wrote. They are all part of your story and worth. We also can’t compare our old talents to new ones we may not enjoy. So if you used to run marathons and ran for miles but now find yourself sitting down all day painting, that talent is just as impressive.
4. We can still give love and show kindness. We all have buckets of love and kindness we can share to make anyone happy. When you are feeling like you don’t have a purpose, do something with love and the joy you will bring will show you that you are indeed very worthy. This can be cooking their favorite meal, snuggles and cuddles, buying the toy they have wanted for a while, going out for a meal, writing a poem, writing them a card to keep… The list goes on.
5. We are placed in this world for a reason. Fate placed us on this earth for a reason. There is a reason we are living and breathing right now, today. There is your worth! You do have a purpose to this world because it wants you here! Remember fate has the ability to end your ride at any time and yes, the roller coaster is a challenge, but you are still in the driver’s seat and riding it.
6. Read letters, cards and comments from loved ones. Their kind words will motivate you massively and remind you that you are deeply loved. People understand your struggle and know it’s not your fault you can’t be the person you once were, but they accept that. They are supportive of you and your illness.
7. Small steps lead to big things. If you are feeling really depleted and lost, then change that negative energy into positive energy. This can be done by helping others, sharing your struggles, sharing advice and facts, writing to your MPs, local councilors, painting your struggles, writing and much more. Your voice, writing, painting and creativity can really reach people and help educate them, spread awareness and encourage them to fight for treatment for themselves.
8. Educate yourself. A strong brain is extremely powerful. As they say, knowledge is power, whether this means simply watching documentary films on your harder days, reading books, searching the net or reading other people’s stories. The knowledge you gain will help you grow, so you can advise others, help yourself, because more clued up and keep updated on new and up and coming treatments. After all, knowledge is priceless.
9. Inner beauty. Chronic illness may make you feel upset with your appearance, but nobody can take your inner beauty away from you. Well or not, outer appearances don’t last forever. It is our inner beauty that makes us shine bright and makes us unique. You are worthy, as nobody has the kind soul you do, the inner strength like you have or the ability to always see the glass half full. A kind heart leaves footprints wherever it walks.
10. You bring happiness. Even if you are feeling really unwell and you have zoned out and are not really “in the room,” just you being there could have made someone’s day. Just you talking and joking about your dog could have made someone laugh. Your goodbye hug could have given someone hope in knowing they are not alone. You sharing your story could be the motivation someone needs to heal themselves or chase their dreams.
I hope these points have shown you that we are all heroes and bright stars in our own ways! We should not compare our worth to people without chronic illness or who don’t struggle with any health issues. Nor should we compare our past selves to our present selves. None of us wished this hell upon ourselves, but we are rocking what we have been given and are walking strong down the path where fate is leading us.
Keep fighting, warriors.
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Thinkstock photo via Mmaxmax.