Much like the other estimated 50 million Americans who live with chronic pain, sometimes what I really need to do is communicate my pain. I’ve been primarily bed-bound for the last three months, recovering from extensive bilateral overuse injuries in my feet, ankles and legs, all of which are complications of my long-suffered but only recently diagnosed Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
• What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
• What Are Common Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Symptoms?
However, as I’ve communicated my pain to friends and family over these past months, after the past few years, I felt more and more like I was complaining. My pain changed character, even changed location, but always, it was just pain, pain, pain out of my mouth. Finally, I chose to lean into it and started writing a complaint-based art form I call “Chronic Pain Haikus.” I hope you enjoy them and that they bring you a chuckle or smile of wry recognition. ????
Mah feet. Mah feet hurt.
Mah feet. Dear baby Jesus.
Don’t you start, ankles.
I woke up to a
Giant knot in my shoulder.
Oh, fuck. Just perfect.
What up, my ankles?
Post joint mobilization,
I feel you, throbbing.
But why, neck? why now?
Pulling, aching, and ripping …
*screams internally*
I slept all damn day.
Sometimes, pain shows up as sleep.
Now, painsomnia!
You stupid braces.
Why you make my ankles hurt
Like so damn bad, bro?
I’m here and I’m queer;
Joint pain is moderate to
Severe. EDS!
Wake up in the morn’
Feelin’ like pure shitty. Got
My muscles … I’m out.
“I’ll sleep through this pain,”
I tell my brain, which takes a
Breath, and keeps screaming.
This is great timing,
Uterus. How can you make
My legs ache, so bad?
I know you are all
Tired of hearing, but my
Legs hurt so damn bad.
Nausea today.
The same as it ever was,
At least for this week.
That tendon that runs
From my big toe to my arch
Can just fuck right off.
Today’s inner thoughts:
Scream scream scream why god why breathe
Scream scream scream scream scream
But my hamstrings, though.
So tight, so achy, and so
Radiating pain.