My Biggest Accomplishment Today Was Painting My Toenails
My biggest accomplishment today was painting my toenails.
And I’m totally OK with that.
A few years ago, I would have thought nothing about such a simple feat. I had the pain but it wasn’t as intense, as frequent (I now feel it all the time), or as overwhelming as it is now.
When my body first started to deteriorate, I was in denial. I still did everything like I always had – and usually ended up in bed before 7 p.m. My body was trying to tell me to slow down but I wasn’t listening.
Eventually the pain spoke so loudly that I couldn’t ignore it. I had to modify my daily activities.
Now, I appreciate every day that I am able to get out of bed, get dressed, and maybe fix myself some instant oatmeal for breakfast. It doesn’t mean I’ve given up, it simply means that I have accepted my limitations and work within them. I have decided to listen to my body and take care of myself.
I am allowed to take care of myself.
And I appreciate the fact that I can, for the most part, still do that.
So tomorrow, whether my greatest accomplishment is getting dressed or cooking a big meal for my family, I will appreciate it.
Sometimes, small things are a big deal.
Getty Image by AndreyCherkasov