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The Simple Blessings I Took for Granted Before Getting Sick

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I think most people have heard the phrase  count your blessings” and before I became sick I think my blessings were probably pretty generic.  My blessings probably sounded something like: “I am blessed I have a good job,” “ I am blessed with a great husband/family” and “I am blessed with a roof over my head and plenty of food in my belly.” Now, I think most people would say those are amazing blessings and “what else could you possibly need in your life?” While those blessings are amazing and I feel very lucky and privileged to have them, I think I failed to recognize
the even simpler blessings in my life. I took certain things for granted without even realizing. If I could go back, I think my blessings would be much more extensive. I feel they would read something like this:

I am blessed to be able to exercise.

I am blessed to be able to do laundry and clean my house.

I am blessed to be able to go out with my friends and family.

I am blessed I can get out of bed without pain.

I am blessed I can sleep all night without pain.

I am blessed I can work all day without pain.

I am blessed I can get up and down stairs without pain.

I am blessed I can sit without pain.

I am blessed I can stand without pain.

I am blessed I can get in and out of my car without pain.

I am blessed I can function without unbearable fatigue.

I am blessed I can sit at a table and eat without pain.

I am blessed my body doesn’t feel like its being crushed.

I am blessed my body doesn’t feel like its attacking me from
the inside out.

It’s funny how quickly your perspective can change. Learning to appreciate the small blessings in life is one of the positive aspects this disease has shown me. As I sit here, hopeful that I can one day acknowledge and celebrate my new list of simple blessings, I am reminded that no matter what, I am blessed with an amazing husband, family and boss, whom without, I have no idea what I would do.

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Thinkstock photo via OlgaSiv.

Originally published: November 10, 2017
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