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16 Encouraging Messages to Read If You’re Struggling With Depression Right Now

We all need a gentle word sometimes — a verbal hug, a reassuring reminder, or any other way of saying “I see you. I understand. I’m here.”

Living with depression can feel pretty lonely at times, and we don’t often want to reach out to others for fear of being a “burden” on them (although newsflash, you’re never a burden for struggling). That’s why we asked our mental health community for the encouraging messages they want to share with you — yes, you, the person reading this article right now.

Please know the Mighty community is always here for you. You can join our Let’s Talk Depression group to chat with like-minded Mighties, or even our Distract Me group if you just need to get out of your head.

Without further ado, here’s what our community wants to say to you.

”I know it’s hard right now. Take a moment to sit in the sun. Sip on a glass of water. Things won’t always be this hard.” — @tammygray2

“If showering just isn’t happening, that’s OK — you’re not alone in that.” — @ashleyleia

“Set mini goals for the day. Getting out of bed. Brushing your teeth. Changing your clothes. Showering. Eating small snacks.” — @iamthemissyfischy

“Broken branches grow again, broken wings allow a bird to fly again, broken crayons still crayon. A broken heart does not equate a broken life.” — @zahramaryam

“Your head is lying to you. People care that you are alive (even if that is incomprehensible right now). You are enough just as you are. For right now, focus on getting through, that will be enough. Have you drank water, slept enough, eaten something, moved your body even just a few minutes, reached out for support (and when appropriate, taken your medication)? You are doing amazing under tough circumstances.” — @loesb

“You’re amazingly strong to have got this far, whilst navigating your way through mental illness. You’ve got fight left in you to see it through to another day. Never forget your achievements. Keep going.” — @anton1

“Stay strong. You can beat this. Turn on the lights, light a candle, and get out of the dark. Love you. You are important. Don’t let this depression get you down. You got this. Love and prayers.” — @peaches54

“The waves of depression come and go. This too shall pass.” — @roxiethebravemother

“Your illness is not your fault. Also, if someone says your illness is ‘all in your head’ — well duh, that’s the definition of mental illness.” — @kitttieluv

“My friend, I feel your pain because I too have depression. I have days I can’t get out of bed, let alone crawl out of the pit I’m in. It’s OK to have a bad day. If you’re up to it, reach out to The Mighty; you know they’re a safe and caring group. All you have to say is that you’re hurting or struggling to get through this day, and they will put love in your heart. We understand you because we have been there and will be again. You are a good friend and we want to help. Lots of hugs from us all.” — @tanyadavidson

“You might be struggling today and that’s more than understandable. Reach out to someone you trust and let them help to hold you up. The world is infinitely better for having you in it.” — @babbitcymru

“Believe it or not, we really do understand what you’re going through.” — @sashahans

“Lean on the Mighty community because we care, we understand, and we’re here to help you. If you’re having a difficult time getting through the day, hour, or minute look for encouraging posts or reach out to us. We’ll be here!” — @dalecraig-mullins

“It’s not always going to be like this. I know, you’re thinking, ‘what the eff do they know?’ But I’ve been right where you are. Find your favorite song, play it loud, and dance (I use the word loosely). Failing that, watch ‘Max Out In The Lake District’ over on Facebook — dogs, nature. If you pick the right one: dogs jumping off a jetty. See? You’re smiling now.” — @tryingtoheal6

“It won’t always feel this bad. Do your medication and/or therapy, and some of the weight will begin to lift.” — @fightingwhileaccepting

“I wanted you to know that you are stronger than your depression and that I love you and care about you. No matter what, I’m right here if you need someone to talk to.” — @reginleif

Getty Images photo via Luis Alvarez

Originally published: August 19, 2022
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