How It Feels to Be 'In Remission' From Depression
I am “in remission” from depression. It’s amazing.
I don’t have the weight or the heavy burden of being depressed right now. At the same time… I don’t know if I know who I really am without depression hitching a ride through life on my shoulders.
Depression has been my companion. Depression has given me a way to define who I am and a catalyst for connecting with other people. It’s like this intangible, unhealthy attachment.
Who am I if I’m not depressed?
I’m no longer trapped beneath the artless comfort of this weighted blanket made of sadness and self isolation.
I am finally free, but now I feel so exposed.
Who am I without negative emotion?
Life is finally presenting me with all of the options available to me, as a person free from the chokeholds of despair.
Life is telling me to finally go out and embrace opportunity without exhaustion.
Life is telling me it’s my time to be who I want and redefine who I am.
I’m a person, full of potential, being presented with a life full of opportunities.
Maybe depression can be a lesson learned…
It can be something I look back on fondly, because it tore me down, but made me unbreakable.
I am strong.
I am a warrior.
I am someone who doesn’t need to rely on what she’s always known.
It’s going to take bravery to step into the unknown and redefine myself.
What’s both terrifying and exhilarating is that I am finally ready.
I’m finally free to find out who I am.
Unsplash image by Patrick Hendry