Maybe it’s words, phrases or even just a hug — but we all have something that can (at least sometimes) calm us down. Something that helps us survive even just for one more second. These phrases are some the things that helps me.
“It’s OK.”
Probably the simplest phrase, but this one means that what I’m experiencing is OK. When I hear it, it feels like my feelings are heard. That doesn’t mean my feelings agree, but it helps me see that it’s OK to feel down, to feel alone, to be frustrated. It reminds me that what is happening to me right now is OK. It’s a justification that someone hears my struggles and accepts me despite what I’m going through.
“You’re memorable.”
Similar to “you matter,” but I like this one better. It holds more meaning to me — suddenly I think maybe you won’t forget me. We can all say we matter but in a world so large, it’s harder for me to think that means much. Being memorable means someone will never forget you. Someone cares. Telling me I’m memorable gives me perspective that I might not otherwise have. I don’t always feel like I’m important. Sometimes I feel like I’m a burden, like I’m worthless. This phrase challenges those feelings. It challenges me to realize that maybe I’m needed in this world, even if it’s only you that won’t forget me.
“Keep trying.”
This is my all-time favorite phrase. It’s fairly new to me but I fell in love with it when I first heard it. A friend said it during a conversation we were having about my struggles during a depressive episode. It means so much is because it doesn’t suggest that everything will be better. It allows room for error. It recognizes that I’m human and that I will fall. It lets me try new things as I work to gain control of my episodes. I just need to keep trying to get through the day.
“I will see you tomorrow.”
This holds me accountable to someone, and when it comes to loved ones, I would do anything for them. They mean everything. So when they say they will see me tomorrow, I force myself to see them tomorrow. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Sometimes I hate it. But sometimes it has saved my life.
No two people experience depression or bipolar disorder or anything else the same. We are all different and we all process our mental illnesses differently. What works for me won’t necessarily work for you. It’s important to learn what works for you and be vocal about that. You are your best advocate and you deserve to feel safe, to feel loved.
You are memorable, it is OK, and you will keep trying. Because we will see you tomorrow. We got this.
If you or someone you know needs help, visit our suicide prevention resources page.
If you need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text “START” to 741-741.
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Thinkstock photo via lolostock