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12 Physical and Mental ‘Red Flags’ You’re Entering a Depressive Episode

Maybe it’s been the turmoil and trauma of the past few years, but for me, there’s one sure-fire “red flag” that I’m entering a depressive episode: I get super pessimistic, particularly about people and their capacity to do harm. It doesn’t take much to trigger it in me; the slightest whisper of selfishness, greed, or general ill will toward another human, and I quickly escalate to utter hopelessness and a kind of righteous anger that’s tough to quell.

It’s like a rumble of thunder from that scary-looking cloud on the horizon. There’s a storm coming.

If you too live with depression, then you know there are certain signs and “red flags” that another episode is coming soon. Maybe you already have it all mapped out, or maybe you’re just discovering what to look out for. Regardless, when it comes, it’s time for battle stations. It can be helpful to know what signals the storm of your depression because once you see it, you can put measures in place to head it off. That’s why we asked our Let’s Talk Depression group for their own “red flags” they’re entering a depressive episode. Not only did they give us the mental signs, but some surprising physical ones, too.

Here’s what they told us:

Physical ‘Red Flags’ You’re Entering a Depressive Episode

“I sleep much later beginning in autumn until spring. I shower once a month and lose interest in things that normally give me pleasure.” — @merylmodica

“Strange as it may sound, depressive episodes are always ushered in with a scratchy throat. I know, sore throats have nothing to do with depression, but such as it is. This is followed within hours by feeling lethargic.” — @thibler1s

“Any sad part of a book or movie will make me cry.” — @allpainwaiting4gain

“The closest thing to being dressed is a T-shirt and sweat pants.” — @lady2882

“My sense of smell is heightened — seriously!” — @sjbarto

“General blah feeling. Generally more ‘pissy.’ Very sensitive to light touch; It makes my skin crawl. Very sensitive to sound; I can hear everything. I am more of an ‘angry’ depressive than ‘low’ so when I notice that I’m more grumpy or snappish… that’s a clue.” — @emilyvieweg

Mental ‘Red Flags’ You’re Entering a Depressive Episode

“I normally start with an existential crisis.” — @mcalys03

“I tend to ‘space out’ lots. My mind wanders and I’m not thinking about anything in particular but I’ll lose 15 to 30 minutes at a time. It gets worse when I’m stressed out.” — @kofthenorth

“I want to give up on everything and everyone. Especially myself.” — RP

“I have depression with psychosis. So when I’m feeling particularly depressed, I start to see things that aren’t really there. Horrific things. I can be waiting at the light in my car as pedestrians are crossing the street, only the pedestrians are headless. I see this and worse when I’m starting to slide into a depression.” — @debbiejohnson15

“Won’t call friends, cry, can’t sleep, won’t follow my diet, and I get angry easily.” — @newkidney1

“Picking at my skin more, dissociating more and unexplainable crying.” — @jaynbee813

If you see your own depressive episode coming and you’re wondering what to do next, check out these articles from around the Mighty community for ideas.

Getty image by coldsnowstorm

Originally published: April 12, 2022
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