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The Sweet Reason This Mom Wrote a Note to the Man Who Made Her Coffee

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A new mom who had recently been diagnosed with postpartum depression is trying to get a note in front of a stranger who she says made her see “a bit of blue sky through all the clouds.”

The mom passed along the note to Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA), and the organization shared it on their Facebook page.


The woman wrote that when she walked to a cafe with her baby, it was closed. But the owner let her in and made her a coffee anyway — unbeknownst to him, she had just come from a hospital residential unit where she was staying after being diagnosed with postpartum depression.

It reminded me that sometimes the smallest kindness can make a difference,” she wrote. “I wrote this letter to the cafe owner but never had a chance to give it to him.”

Because the mom wants to remain anonymous, PANDA is encouraging its community to share the post so it gets in front of the cafe owner.

Here’s the sweet note in full:

“Dear Cafe Owner,

You must have thought I was a bit strange when I stood outside your cafe trying to open the door when you had clearly just closed. You might not remember me — I had a baby in my pram and a hospital wrist band on.

I wanted to say thank you for inviting me in out of the heat and kindly making me a coffee even though you probably wanted to go home. When you asked if I’d walked over from the hospital, I was too embarrassed to tell you I’ve got post-natal depression and my baby doesn’t sleep and I’m exhausted. Walking to the cafe for a break was what I needed as much as the coffee.

Your kindness made a difference to my day, and reminded me of the saying, ‘Be kind to everyone you meet because you don’t know battles they are fighting.’

Thank you.”

We hope he sees this.

Originally published: November 29, 2015
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